IT 復
We appreciate the information you have provided. However, a review of your account indicates you have listed against detail pages that do not exactly match your items.
As stated in our policies, sellers must list the exact same item, in the same format, as the item represented on the detail page. Please note this includes brand, manufacturer, UPC, edition, binding, quantity, packaging, colour, etc.
For more information, please search for “Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions” in seller Help.
For information on creating and submitting your plan, search for “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in seller Help.
さらなる情報については、セラーHelp上「Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions(セラーの禁止活動と行為)」を検索してください。
プランを作成し提出する際の情報については、セラーHelp上「Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges(セラーの販売特典の排除依頼)」を検索してください。
より詳細な情報が必要な場合は、販売者用のヘルプページで “Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions”と検索してください。
御社の販売計画の作成と提出に関しましては、同じく販売者用のヘルプページで“Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” と入力し、検索してください。