Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to Native English ] 3 (Agreement on mail monitoring while employed) I understand that your com...

Original Texts
 私は、貴社を退職することになった場合は、その時点で私が管理もしくは所持している貴社の機密情報および記録媒体の一切を退職時までにすべて私の上司に返還し、 返還以後は、私の手元には機密情報および記録媒体は一切残存してないことを誓います。

Translated by bcyh
3 (Consent on e-mail monitoring under tenure)

I, understand that the company's information system and all information asset of your company are under the jurisdiction of the company, and I acknowledge that when the need to protect this information system and information asset arises my e-mail will be monitored without notice, and I give my consent to this.

4 (Return of Confidential Information on retirement)

During my resignation, I will return all the Confidential Information of your company and all media containing such information in my possesion or under my management at that point of time to my superior.
After returning, I no longer carry any Confidential Information or any media containing such information. This I pledge.

5 (Confidentiality post-retirement)

In regards to Confidential Information, I guarantee that I will not publicise, omit or use these information.

6 (Reparations and criminal charge)

I vow to adhere to this agreement with full understanding that if I break this written vow and result in inflicting damage to your company, your company will undertake disciplinary measure such as disciplinary dismissal, or legal measures such as damage claims and criminal charges against me.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 8 hours
bcyh bcyh
日: マレーシア人です。JLPT1級です。翻訳経験乏しいんですが頑張ります
E: If one is to decide by way of birth...