Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] It is a charge in the case of preparing of a visitor to each buttons of play,...

Original Texts


新規に制作したアプリケーションには、1年間のメンテナンスサポートが含まれます 1つのアプリケーションに含められるコンテンツは、最大で20ページ+20楽曲+20情報パネル+1トラックリストまでとなります。

お客様のアプリケーションリリース時点でのiOSのバージョンを起点として、そのマイナーアップデートがApple社よりリリースされた場合に、1年間、最新iOS上(およびその対応デバイス)での動作を保証するものです。 お客様のアプリケーションリリース時点でのiOSのバージョンを起点として、そのメジャーアップデートがApple社よりリリースされた場合に、最新iOSへの対応・新機能の追加を行うサービスです。
バージョンアップチケットは、実際のリリースがアナウンスされた際にのみ必要となるものです。事前にご購入頂く必要はありません。 弊社では、最新 iOSと最新フレームワークのみを動作保証の対象としています。このため、メンテナンスサポート期間内にiOSもしくはフレームワークどちらかのメジャーアップデートがリリースされた場合、バージョンアップチケットを購入された方のみサポート期間が継続し、購入されなかった方はその時点で全てのメンテナンスサービスは終了となります。

追加内容により料金が変わります。別途お見積となりますので、こちらよりお問い合わせください。 AppStoreでの流通に関わる手続きは全て弊社にて無料で行います。iTunes Connectへの登録・Apple社への口座登録などの手間が一切かりません。有料アプリケーションを配信した場合の売上金分配は下記の通りとなります。

毎年3月、6月、9月および12月の各月末日を締切日とし、翌期末日に売上げレポートをお客様にメール送付の上、PayPalへご入金いたします。なお、各四半期における売上額が5,000 円未満の場合、翌期に繰り越しての入金となります。
Translated by alohaboy
It is a charge in the case of preparing of a visitor to each buttons of play, stop, information,help, track list in addition to the picture for booklets, and a musical piece sample. When each buttons do not get used to preparation, please use the original design pack of the following clause.

A visitor prepares only the picture for booklets, and a musical piece sample, and various buttons required for operation are the plans for a designer under exclusive contract with our company to unite with the image of each band, and to design perfect original.

The maintenance support for one year is included in the application made newly.
The contents included in one application become to a 20 page +20 musical-piece +20 information panel +1 track list at the maximum. Since those who do hope of the application work of the scale beyond this estimate separately, please ask from here.

When the minor update is released by the Apple company with the version of iOS in a visitor's application release time as the starting point, operation for one year and on the newest iOS (and the correspondence device) is guaranteed.
When it starts from the version of iOS at the application release point in time of the visitor, and the major update was released from Apple company, it is the service that it adds correspondence / the new feature to latest iOS to.
Moreover, when major update of the framework which carries a new function from our company is released, it is needed also in order to upgrade a visitor's existing application.
An upgrade ticket is needed only when an actual release is announced. You need to purchase in advance.
We make only the latest framework the subject of operation guaranteed with latest iOS.  For this reason, when major update of either iOS or a framework is released within a maintenance support period, as for the direction which the support period continued only those who purchased the upgrade ticket, and was not purchased, all maintenance services are ended at that time.

A charge changes according to additional contents. Since you estimate separately, please ask from here.
All procedure in connection with circulation by AppStore is performed at our company for nothing. Time and effort, such as account registration to the registration and the Apple company to iTunes Connect, does not borrow at all. The proceeds distribution at the time of distributing charged application becomes as follows.

The every month end of the month in March, June, September, and December is made into the deadline every year, and I send a Sales Report to a visitor by e-mail on a following terminal date, and remit to PayPal. In addition, when the sales proceeds in four half years each are less than 5,000 yen, it becomes the payment transferred to a following term.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
alohaboy alohaboy