Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Here, Hitoyosi Kuma is surronded abundant nature and mountains are all around...

Original Texts
ここ人吉球磨は市内の中心から360°周りを山々に囲まれた大自然の中にあります。ここには標高1722mの市房山をはじめいろいろな山が春夏秋冬、 様々な表情をみせてくれます。
きっと新たな発見があるはずです。白髪岳(1416m)、市房山(1722m)、韓国岳(1700m)、屋久島がランドアースのフィールド。 大自然の偉大さを肌で感じさせてくれるMTB。
きっとみんなMTB欲しくなると思います!(Cyclingは球磨川の景色が最高なCyclingロードで行います。帰りは汽車で帰ります。 のんびりと海を渡り、無人島へ!島に着いたらシュノーケリングとビーチコーミングで遊ぼう!地球の7割が海なんだから、 海でも遊ばなきゃ、アウトドアを100%楽しんだことにならないぞ!!
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
Here, Hitoyosi Kuma is surronded abundant nature and mountains are all around central 360°. The look of each mountain like Ichihusa mountain, of which height is 1722m, change by season, spring, summer, fall and winter.
Speacial plan which you a night stay for two day has started and you can enjoy seeing dynamic nature whole two days.
You may have find something new. Land Earth's field are Mt. Shiraga(1416m), Mt. Ichihusa(1722m) and Mt. Karakuni(1700m).
You can feel how great the nature is directly by MTB.
Kuma Hitoyoshi is a basin surrounded by 360° mountain. Please enjoy your happiness that you can go anywhere by your power and bike.
Land Earth knows about riding through a lot of mountains, feeling nice wind, having tasty hand made lunch and natural water of full mineral.
Maybe all of you will want your own MTB. (Cycling will be placed in Cycling road which you can view beautidul Kuma river scenary. Return way is by train.
Going across the sea peacefully and to a desert island. When we arrive, let's play with snorkeling and beachcombing! As 70% of the earth is a ocean, we cannot say we enjoy outdoor 100% without playing in ocean too! Stuffing our lunch and tools in Sea kayak, let's go to a desert island! We monopolize whole island all day. We can enjoy taking a nap or fishing in the island!

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours