No problem. It will take a few days for me to get the heads here to ship to you, but I should have them next week and will send them as soon as possible.
Also, I found out that the pricing is $125 per shaft for the Matrix putter shafts in the lime green color. I will have to custom order them and need to know this week if you want them so that they can be painted with the lime green color.
Right now I have 3-9s and 2 10.5s left. I also have a couple 8s. I will let you know on the putter as soon as it lands. It should be similar to the pictures you sent me. It has the TOUR ID band.
現在は3~9、2 10.5sしか残っていません。8sも数点あります。パターについては到着次第お知らせします。あなたの送ってくれた写真に近いものだと思います。TOUR IDバンドがついています。
訂正 日本の10.5s→二本の10.5s