No need to apologize my friend, you did not offend me in any way so rest assured we are fine. I did not mean to upset you, I just wanted to know some of the names on because of the large amount of inquires and questions from Japanese customers. Everything is perfect so do not worry about anything.
I also would like to build a good relationship with you, I understand that there are many differences between Japan and USA and I do not want to be rude, so perhaps you can be my teacher about business in Japan, so that I do look like an idiot or say something that will upset a Japanese customer.
I must say that I have always been impressed with the way of Japan, it is by far a great nation and its people are very smart and educated.
Please tell me a little about Japan from your point of view, for example is it ok to send a gift to a new business partner? is it rude that I do not speak Japanese? Is it true that people in Japan prefer to do business with Japanese companies etc.....please tell me the basics of Japanese businesses on a small level like you and me owner to owner.
limited stock item discontinued
あなたの目に映る日本がどういうものか少し教えてください。たとえば、あらたなビジネスパートナーに贈り物をしてもいいのでしょうか? 日本語を話さないと失礼に当たるのでしょうか? 日本人は日本企業とのビジネスを好むというのは本当ですか? などなど、あなたや私のようなオーナー同士の小さなやり取りレベルにおける、日本のビジネスの基礎を教えてください。