Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Delivery time varies depending on your location and how fast the customs in y...

Original Texts
Delivery time varies depending on your location and how fast the customs in your country will clear the item *** I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY TAXES/CUSTOMS FEES/IMPORT DUTIES!!! PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL TAX REGULATIONS REGARDING THIS MATTER!!! I will not be responsible for any damages occured during transit as I do not have any control over the handling of the package. If for some reason a claim does arise, I will assist you 100%!!! I ship within 24 Hours after receiving payment in full.
Translated by haru
配達の時間はあなたのいる場所やあなたの国の税関がどれくらい早く商品を通関させるかによります。***税金や税関手数料や輸入関税に関して一切支払いません!!!これに関して、あなたの地域の税規制を確認してください!!! 輸送中の損害に関してはパッケージの取扱に携わることができないため一切の責任を負いません。何かの理由でクレームが挙がった場合は、100%アシストさせていただきます!!! 全額支払を受けてから24時間以内に発送します。
Translated by kaneyan22
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
haru haru
kaneyan22 kaneyan22