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[Translation from English to Japanese ] The union of Antonius and Lepidus cleared the situation; messages may then ha...

Original Texts
The union of Antonius and Lepidus cleared the situation; messages may then have passed.They were instruments rather than agents. Of his lieutenants, Laterensis in shame took his own life; P. Canidius Crassus and Rufrenus were fervent Antonians; M. Silanus, who had carried his messages to Antonius, soon fell away to the cause of the Republic. The others were of no importance. Lepidus himself, however, was to have a second consulate in the next year, with Plancus as his colleague. For 41 B.C. were designated P. Servilius Isauricus and L. Antonius; for 40 B.C., Pollio and Cn. Domitius Calvinus. The Caesarians Servilius and Calvinus were consulars already, and nobiles at that.
Translated by oier9
AntoniusとLepidusの一団は状況を明らかにし、その後、伝言は広まったのかもしれない。彼らは公吏というより道具だった。彼の副官であるLaterensisは恥辱のうちに自ら命を絶った。P. Canidius CrassusとRufrenusは熱烈なAntonius 支持者だった。M. SilanusはAntoniusに彼のメッセージを齎したのち、すぐに共和国運動へと身を引いた。他の者には何の重みなかった。Lepidus自身は、しかし、同僚のPlancusとともに、次年に第二領事の職を控えていた。紀元前41年、P. Servilius Isauricus、L. Antonius就任; 紀元前40年、Pollio and Cn. Domitius Calvinus就任。Caesar支持者のServiliusとCalvinusはすでに領事になっており、またノビレスでもあった。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
oier9 oier9