Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ]  In my architect's office- where I had no longer any place of my own; they'd ...

Original Texts
 In my architect's office- where I had no longer any place of my own; they'd pushed me away from the drawing boards -they built me an office without windows, 2•26×2•26m, lit by an electric lamp. It is certainly at the human scale, although extremely small.
 There are certain distances at which things appear good or bad. You must excuse me if I speak of personal experiences. I have a dining room of very cramped dimensions which, for technical reasons, and not due to aesthetics, is furnished with a barrel vault 4 x 4m square and 3m high to the top of the
Translated by ktfj
私の所属する建築事務所にはもはや自分のスペースは無かった。彼らは私を製図板から遠ざけて、私用に作った、窓がなく電燈に照らされた2.26 x 2.26mの、人ひとりがやっと入れる非常に小さなオフィスに押し込んだ。
物事が良く見えるか悪く見えるかには、一定の隔たりがある。個人的な体験談を話すが容赦して欲しい。私の家にはとても窮屈なダイニングルームがあって、そこには美的感覚からではなく、技術的な理由から作られた4 x 4m四方のかまぼこ型天井があり、一番高い所で3mある。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
41 minutes
ktfj ktfj