Why working from home can be more disadvantageous than you think
Working from home might sound lovely but it can be terribly unproductive as well.
When Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer stopped some 200 employees from working from home, it stirred all sorts of controversies. Her reasoning and rationale behind the “ban” was that said group of employees was noted to not be as productive as their counterparts in the office. Some of these employees were reported to have been working on companies of their own, while still on Yahoo’s payroll.
YahooのMarissa Mayer氏は従業員200人の在宅勤務を止めさせ、これがあらゆる種類の論争を引き起こした。「禁止」の裏にある彼女の推論と論理的根拠として、先述の従業員グループが、オフィスのグループほど生産的でないことが指摘されたからだという。こうした従業員の一部は、まだYahooに給与をもらいながら自身の会社に取り組んでいた、と報告された。
YahooのMarissa Mayer女史が200人ほどの社員に対し在宅勤務を禁じた時、ありとあらゆる論議が巻き起こった。彼女が在宅勤務を禁止した理由と根拠は、在宅勤務者がオフィス勤務者ほど生産性が良くないということだった。同社の在宅勤務者のなかには、Yahooから給料をもらう一方で、自分達自身のビジネスをおこなっていた人もいたようだ。
While Yahoo employees lamented about the new policy implementing rigid work hours and taking away what was once flexibility and work-life balance, a new infographic from Internet Provider ORG reveals that not allowing employees to work from home might be a good idea. We can understand why – it takes a lot of discipline to be able to concentrate on doing work … and not surfing Facebook and Twitter.
So what are other obstacles? Out of 24,000 people who were interviewed, 25 percent noted “no access to sensitive documents” and 26 percent reported “bad Internet connection.”
From the perspective of the employer, cost could be a reason why increasingly, more businesses are allowing their employees to work from home. However, there might just be more pros than cons when it comes to working with others in the office. For example, fostering ties between office co-workers could be one. We are, after all, creatures that thrive on good social interaction. Could working at home strip that interaction away?