Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] perhaps he suggested that Gaul should cease to be a province and be added to ...

Original Texts
perhaps he suggested that Gaul should cease to be a province and be added to Italy.That would preclude competition for a post of vantage and armed domination.A fair prospect of concord or a subtle intrigue against the consul had been brought to nought.In no mood to be thwarted in his ambitions,he still hoped to avoid an open breach with the party of Brutus and Cassius.With what consummate art Octavianus worked upon this material in the month of July has already been narrated.Rumours went about in the July days at Rome that Octavianus,though a patrician, had designs upon this office. Nothing came of it for the moment.So it was to be in the end. But this was no time for an ideal and patriotic appeal.
Translated by 3_yumie7
おそらく彼はGaulは属州であることをやめイタリアに加わるべきだと提案したのだろう。そうなれば優勢な立場と武装による支配は不可能となる。協定の見込み、或いは執政官に対する巧妙な陰謀は完全な失敗に終わっていた。野望がくじかれたような気分ではいられなかった。彼はBrutus、Cassiusの一派とのあからさまな不和を避けることにまだ望みを抱いていた。見事な策を使って、 Octavianusが7月にこの問題に取り組んだことはすでに述べた。7月にはローマにOctavianusが貴族でありながら、この仕事を計画しているという噂が広まった。当分の間は何も起こらなかった。そこでそれは最後に起こるはずだった。だが、それは理想的、愛国的な訴えをする時期ではなかった。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 7 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7