Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] But Antonius proposed to exchange provinces, to give up Macedonia, while reta...

Original Texts
But Antonius proposed to exchange provinces, to give up Macedonia, while retaining the Balkan army, and receive as his consular province Gallia Cisalpina and Gallia Comata as well. Such was the Lex de permutatione provinciarum (June 1st). This manoeuvre might well alarm the moderates as well as extreme Republicans. They knew what the last extended command in Gaul had meant. Two other measures of a Caesarian and popular character were passed, a law permitting all ex-centurions, whether of the standing of Roman knights or not, to serve on juries, and another agrarian bill, of fairly wide terms of reference. More patronage: L. Antonius the tribune was to be president of a board of seven commissioners.
Translated by 3_yumie7
だがAntoniusは地方を交換してMacedoniaを断念する一方、Balkanの軍隊を保有して Gallia CisalpinaとGallia Comataを自分の執政官の地方として受け取ることを提案した。これがLex de permutatione provinciarum(地方交換法)(6月1日)だった。この術策には穏健派も超共和主義者も警戒しただろう。彼らはGaulにおける最後の延長された指揮が何を意味するか知っていた。Caesar派と人気者の他の2つの法案は通過し、法律は元百人隊長らがローマの騎士の身分を持っているか否かにかかわらず陪審員として働き、他の都市所有法案にかかわり、他の権限をもつことを許可していた。その他の地位への任命:護民官のL. Antoniusは7人委員会の委員長に任命された。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 7 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7