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[Translation from Japanese to English ] 15 sheets of half size seaweed(Nori) ×2 It's this kind of Nori sheet that is...

Original Texts
半型15枚入×2 コンビニエンスストアなどでよく見かけるおにぎりに使われているのが、このタイプのフィルム海苔です。おにぎりを食べる直前に海苔を巻くので、パリパリとした食感を楽しめます。(海苔は湿気やすい食品です。開封後は袋のチャックをしっかりと閉じ、冷暗所で保存してください。)
1回の食事でとりたいビタミンが1袋で補給できます。練習期の体調維持や試合前のコンディションづくりに、重要な役割を果たすビタミン。 オールシーズンにわたってスポーツマンには欠かせない栄養素です。野菜不足が気になる方にもおすすめです。さっぱりしたグレープフルーツ味。
お手入れや水あげが必要のないプリザーブドの苔を植え込んだ炭苔。苔が枯れて茶色くなることもなく、炭の効果を活かしながら空間にくつろぎを与えます。*直射日光や埃は痛み色あせの原因になります。くぬぎ炭は切り口が菊花のように均一に割れ目があり、「菊炭」とよばれ、茶道の炭として用いられる美しい炭です。 炭には脱臭効果があり、浄化を兼ねたお部屋のインテリアにも最適です。
注意: 燃料や水の浄化用としてのご使用はおやめ下さい。食べ物ではありません。直射日光や日の明かりが強い場所に置くと、苔の変色が早くなります。*時期によりご用意できない種類もございます。
Translated by 3_yumie7
15 sheets of half size seaweed(Nori) ×2
It's this kind of Nori sheet that is used in Onigiri which you often see in convinience stores.
As you wrap nori just before eating onigiri, you can enjoy crunchy texture.(Nori is a food easy to get wet. Please zip the bag firmly and store in a cool and dark space after opening)
Just one bag provides you sufficient vitamin desirable to take in one meal. Vitamine which serves an important function to stay in good condition through training period and regulate your physical condition for a next match.

It's a nutrient indispensable for athletes in all seasons. I recommend it also for those who are not eating enough vegetables. A refreshing grapefruit taste.

Charcoal moss in which preserved moss is placed. It provides a space for relaxation by making use of charcoal effect without getting dry and embrowned. *Direct sunlight and dust will cause damage and color fade-out. A cut edge of the charcoal made from sawtooth oak has even breaks like a chrysanthemum. For that reason, it's called chrysanthemum coal. It's beautiful coal used at tea ceremonies.
Charcoal has a deodorizing effect and will also serve as an interior item as well as air cleaning in your room.
Note: Do not use it as fuel or water purification porpose. Do not eat. Exposing it to direct sunlight or strong sunlight stimulates discoloration process of the moss.
*Some types of moss are not availabe according to a season.


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
3_yumie7 3_yumie7
Starter (High)