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[Translation from English to Japanese ] To the north, a large hotel (6), the department stores (7), and the old cathe...

Original Texts
To the north, a large hotel (6), the department stores (7), and the old cathedral enter into the Core; and to the south, by making use of a river barrage, the Core is brought into immediate relation with the far bank, which is reserved exclusively for industry, together with a school for apprentices.

ABOVE: General plan for the central area. Pedestrian areas shown in yellow: traffic routes in red.
BELOW: The Core at present facing south towards the Parliament Building across the Plaza Bolivar. On the left is the old Cathedral.

Bogota is the capital city of Colombia. It is not an industrial city, nor is it one that has developed on a crossroads, nor is it a strategic centre of international commerce.
Translated by 3_yumie7
北側は大きなホテルが1軒(6)、デパート (7)、古い聖堂がCoreに入ります。南側は職業訓練学校と共に工業用地専用に確保してある遠くの土手と Coreが、川の用水路を利用して直接結びつけられます。



Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
3_yumie7 3_yumie7