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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Alberta man may be first to sell house for bitcoin virtual currency Like cou...

Original Texts
Alberta man may be first to sell house for bitcoin virtual currency

Like countless young men across North America, Taylor More likes sports and hanging out with friends. And if his latest project pans out he’ll be unique — the first person to sell a house for bitcoins.

He’s already drawn world-wide attention after placing an online ad for his property in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, a small community in the southwestern corner of the province. The story’s been picked up by the BBC in Britain, ABC in the U.S. as well as numerous Canadian news outlets.

Mr. More’s two-bedroom bungalow “with beautiful mountain views” is priced at the equivalent of $405,000 in bitcoins.
Translated by yyokoba

北アメリカの数え切れない若い男性のように、Taylor More氏はスポーツや友人と時間を過ごすことが好きだ。そして彼の最新のプロジェクトが成功すれば、彼は唯一の、初めて家をビットコインで売却する人になる。

彼はアルバータ州の南西の角にある小さなコミュニティ、Crownsnest Passにある彼の物件を売りに出すオンライン広告を出してから、すでに世界中の関心を呼んだ。この話はイギリスBBC、アメリカABC、他多数のカナダのニュース番組で取り上げられた。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
yyokoba yyokoba