Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I misread the information. It's not the finished doll, but just a kit you sel...

Original Texts
私は早とちりをしていました。完成したお人形が売られているのではなく、キットだけの販売だったのですね。もし、Kory にお人形を作ってもらった場合おいくらになりますか?光沢のある少しぶ厚いくちびると、おでこ、鼻、ほっぺの赤色がとっても可愛いと思いました。赤ちゃんの皮膚感をリアルに表現された生々しい感じの、口元がどこかほほ笑んでいるようにみえる赤ちゃんが最近はお気に入りです。
Translated by kawaii
I misread it. It is not an assembled doll you're selling. You're selling only the kits for making dolls, aren't you. How much does it cost if I ask Kory to make one? I thought it's a very cute doll that the lips were shiny and thicker and the forehead, the nose and the cheeks were pinkish. The doll is so realistic that we can feel it like a real baby's skin and see the lips are like smiling at us. This doll is my favorite now.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
kawaii kawaii