・左の列からSKU・日本アマゾンの商品名・日本アマゾンの在庫数・日本アマゾンの予約注文の有無・日本アマゾンの重さ(単位はグラムで)・日本アマゾンの新品最安値・アメリカアマゾンの新品最安値・イギリスアマゾンの新品最安値 で並んでいる。
Details of Job
* Login to the web tool using an ID and password.
* Starting from the left the following are available: SKU, Amazon.jp's product name, Amazon.jp's quantity in stock, whether or not orders are being taken on Amazon.jp, weight listed on Amazon.jp (in grams), the cheapest price for a new one on Amazon.jp, the cheapest price for a new one on Amazon.com, the cheapest price for a new one on Amazon.uk
* On the very left if you input multiple SKUs (about 100) and click on the button, you can then search among all of them.
* The search results will be in CSV.
Summary of the Tool
Using the Amazon API, this tool enables you to use multiple SKUs to search Amazon.jp, Amazon.com, and Amazon.uk for product descriptions and the lowest prices.
Desired Qualifications
* Ability to help disclose the tool.
* Ability to correct bugs to ensure smooth operation of the tool.
* Willingness to help evolve the tool for a fixed price in the event that there are changes on the Amazon side.
* Ability to deliver work on time.
* Knowledge of the Amazon API.
* Understanding of Japanese is an additional plus.
* Experience making tools with the Amazon API.