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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Cornificius replied that he did not know what allotment the triumvirs had mad...

Original Texts
Cornificius replied that he did not know what allotment the triumvirs had made among themselves, and that since he had received the government from the Senate he would not surrender it to anybody else without the order of the Senate. This was the origin of hostilities between them. Cornificius had the heavier and more numerous army. That of Sextius was more nimble though inferior in number, by which means he was enabled to dash round and detach from Cornificius his inland districts until he was besieged by Ventidius, a lieutenant of Cornificius, who brought against him superior forces and whom he resisted valiantly. Laelius, another lieutenant of Cornificius, ravaged the province of Sextius. The wealthy citizens fled from a country that they could no longer consider their own and took refuge with Pompeius,who was near by and greatly beloved by all at that time.There were present with him also many seafaring men from Spain,skilled in naval affairs,so that Pompeius was well provided with ships and money.When Octavian learned these facts he sent Salvidienus with a fleet,as though it were an easy task,to come alongside of Pompeius and destroy him,while he himself passed through Italy with the intention of joining Salvidienus at Rhegium.Pompeius advanced with a large fleet to meet Salvidienus, and a naval engagement took place between them at the entrance of the straits near the promontory of Scyllaeum. The ships of Pompeius, being lighter and manned by better sailors, excelled in swiftness and skill, while those of the Romans, being of great tonnage and size, laboured heavily. When the usual rush of waves through the straits came on, and the sea dashed hither and thither under the influence of the current the crews of Pompeius suffered less than their adversaries, because they were accustomed to the agitation of the waters; while those of Salvidienus, not having their sea-legs through want of experience, and being unable to work their oars, or manage their rudders, were thrown into confusion. Accordingly, about sunset, Salvidienus was the first to give the signal of retreat. Pompeius withdrew also.
Translated by 3_yumie7

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 7 hours
3_yumie7 3_yumie7