Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Gone also is the constant fretting over shoring up supply and demand of lesso...

Original Texts
Gone also is the constant fretting over shoring up supply and demand of lessons: Their strategy now is to worry less about supply by securing more long-term partners. This frees them to focus all their energies on finding acquisition channels, distribution partners, and streamlining the product.

Private dining is an interesting proposition. Each experience can cost thousands of dollars, and for that money, guests can enjoy a Balinese Roasted Pig Feast by private chef John Sawarto or savor exotic wild game with meat master Bjorn Seegers from the South African Bush, just to name a few.
Translated by oier9

プライベートダイニングは面白い仕事だ。体験の一つ一つに数千ドルが掛かる。そのお金で、ゲストはプライベートシェフのJohn SawartoによってBalinese Roasted Pig Feastを楽しんだり、South African Bush出身の食肉マスターのBjorn Seegers とともに異国情緒あふれるジビエを味わうことができる。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
2 days
oier9 oier9