Public Translations "funny"
Public Translations "funny" - requests for public viewing. Currently, there are 17 public requests available with the tag: funny for you to view. For a more refine search, use the search bar or click on more tags such as free, friendly, Business, hurry, news.
English » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
"GET FESTIVE & DANCE" with Dancing4Kids: "This time it's a PARTY!!"
Bring your friends and celebrate a festive evening full of music, dance and gifts!!
Dance to the beat of R&B and African drums!
Relax to the sounds of acoustic melodies!
Meet our friends and performers and win amazing prizes!!!
almost 15 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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English » Japanese
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English » Japanese
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Japanese » English
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about 15 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
Japanese » English
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Completed : 100 %
about 15 years ago
3 Translations / 0 Working
English » Japanese
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English » Japanese
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English » Japanese
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Japanese » English
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English » Japanese
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Japanese » English
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English » Japanese
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English » Japanese
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Spanish » English
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Completed : 100 %
El borracho que llega tarde en la noche a su propia casa y empieza a gritar:
Reinita, ábreme la puerta que le traigo flores a la mujer más linda.
La mujer baja corriendo y abre la puerta y dice:
¿Dónde están las flores?
El borrachito contesta:
A ver, y dónde está la mujer más linda.
over 15 years ago
2 Translations / 0 Working
Spanish » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
(entre dos amigos)
Yo no sé qué me pasa, que me gustan todas las mujeres menos la mía.
¡Bah! No te preocupes que a mí me pasa lo mismo, me gustan todas las mujeres menos la tuya.
over 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working
Spanish » Japanese
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Completed : 100 %
(un chiste)
Llega un niño donde su mamá que esta embarazada y le pregunta:
Mamá, ¿Qué tienes en la panza?
Un niño.
¿Y quién te lo dio?
Tu papá.
Y el niño va corriendo donde su papá y le dice:
Papá, ¡No le andes dando niños a mi mamá porque se los come!
over 15 years ago
1 Translations / 0 Working