Original Text / Japanese
メン ズ 同 様 、 連絡 を しっ か りと 取 り な が ら あ な た の セー ル ス の 動 向 を 教えて欲 し い 。 例 え ば 、 「 こ の モ デ ル は あ と どれ く ら い で 生 産 が 可 能 」 と い う よ う な 情 報 があ れ ば キャ ン セ ル 回 避 に 繋 が る 。 今 回 同 様 に 、 展示会スタート前にコ レ ク ショ ン 傾 向 やセー ル ス ポ イ ン ト の 資 料 が 必 要。
Translation / English
- Posted at 12 Nov 2010 at 10:26
As in men's, we would like to get in touch with each other and would like you to tell us the sales trend. For example, if you provide as an information like "how much longer this model is ready to produce" leads to avoidance of cancellation. Like this time, we need an information materials of collection trend and sales point before the beginning of an exhibition.
Translation / English
- Posted at 12 Nov 2010 at 12:25
The same as Men's, I want you to make me know about a trend of your sales as we keep in touch tight. For example, If I have a information like "How long does it take to produce this model", it will help to avoid a cancellation. The same as this time, it is necessary to have data on a trend of collection and sales point before an exhibition starts.
Translation / English
- Posted at 12 Nov 2010 at 12:20
In a similar way for men’s clothes, we would like you to inform us of your sales situation by constantly contacting each other. For example, we could avoid further cancellation, if you could tell us how much longer it takes to produce a certain model. In addition, as we did for this time, we need to prepare materials for trends of collections and selling points before an exhibition starts.