Fate/stay nightでは、最強のサーヴァント「バーサーカー」を連れており、規格外の能力から、他の参加者達より恐れられている存在です。
彼女のアイテムでは、FigureとCard Sleevesが人気があります!
In Fate/stay night, she has the strongest servant Berserker, and for her unusual talent, other participants are afraid of her.
However, many fans in Japan are captivated by her charm, as her youthful looks makes such a contract to her expressions she reveals when she's not fighting.
Her Figures and Card Sleeves are very popular.
In Fate/stay night, as she wields both unusual power and is accompanied by the powerful savant Berserker, she is more frightening than the other characters.
The gap between her fearsome side and the youth and innocence she displays outside of battle has captivated many Japanese fans!
Among her items, her figurine and card sleeves are especially popular!
同人誌では父であるKiritsugu Emiyaや、敵対しているはずのShirou Emiyaとの話を描いたものがあります。
By the way, she shows totally different side of her in "Tiger training hall".
Please check that out, too.
Incidentally, she reveals a previously unseen side in "Tiger Dojo," so check it out!