Around 70% of people take time to hear about other customer’s buying experience and feedback. This means, for a startup it is very important to make sure that the first 1,000 customer are super happy. With customers sharing their experiences, you cannot delete their negative feedback. But still, reply to them, and accept — and correct — your mistakes if any. For any criticism you get, tell customers you are still learning, and thank them for taking the time to share.
What engaging tools have you tried? Have you had success in converting these into sales? Please share your experiences with us.
About the author
Rohan Kapadia is an entrepreneur, adventurer, expeditionary, amateur barista, and Jugaad specialist. He exited his first start-up, Arkin Comics at the age of 21, before getting a Masters degree from NTU, Singapore and Stanford, USA. He is currently involved in his second startup, LUWAQ – Specialty Coffees. Drop a line to say “hi” on Twitter and Instagram at @rohankapadia or connect on Linkedin.
Rohan Kapadia氏は起業家、冒険家、探検家、アマチュア・バリスタ、そしてJugaad*のスペシャリストである。彼は最初の新興企業であるArkin Comicsを21歳で去り、その後シンガポールのNTUとアメリカ・スタンフォーロにて修士の学位をとる。彼は現在、彼自身2つ目の新興企業LUWAQ – Specialty Coffeesに従事している。TwitterまたはInstagramにて@rohankapadiaに「こんにちは」とひとつぶやきしてみよう。あるいはLinkedinにコンタクトを取ってみよう。
誤「彼は最初の新興企業であるArkin Comicsを21歳で去り、その後シンガポールのNTUとアメリカ・スタンフォーロにて修士の学位をとる。」
正「シンガポールのNTUとアメリカ・スタンフォーロにて修士の学位をとり、その後、彼は最初の新興企業であるArkin Comicsを21歳で始めた」