U.S. parents appear to have enough resources to meet only 16% of college costs, down from 18% in 2009.
Fidelity Investments, Boston, has based that estimate of family college funding status on results from a survey of 2,500 U.S. financial decisionmakers who have children ages 18 and younger who are expected to attend college and who have annual household incomes of at least $30,000 per year or more.
Fidelity puts data on the number of children in each household, each child’s time to matriculation, the current savings rate, future contribution expectations and other data through Monte Carlo simulations to predict what percentage of college costs families might be able to handle.
ボストンに拠点を置く投資ファンドであるFidelity Investmentsが出したこのcollege貯金に関する数字は、アメリカ国内で18歳以下のcollege進学予定の子供を持ち、安定世帯年収$30,000以上の2,500の”家計の財布のひもを握っている者たち”への調査結果に基づいている。
Fidelity Investmentsは、各家庭の子供の人数、college進学年齢到達までの年数、現在の貯蓄残高および将来の貯蓄増加予測に関するデータおよびその他のデータを用い乱数を用いたモンテカルロシミュレーションに基づき、家計がcollege費用の何%をまかなえるかを算出したものである。
The current family college funding level is down from 24%, when Fidelity first began tracking the statistic.
But Fidelity found that 67% of parents included in the survey are saving for future college costs, up from 63% in 2009 and up from 58% in 2007.
The percentage of participants who said they are familiar with Section 529 college savings plans has increased to 51%, up from 40% in 2009.
The percentage of parents who plan to start saving for college in the future and want to open a 529 plan has increased to 30%, from 18%.
Parents of children ages 5 and younger are more likely to say they have dedicated college savings accounts than parents of children in high school.
しかしながら貯蓄残高とは裏腹に親たちの教育費不安は顕著で教育費用目的投資への関心は高まっており、Fidelity Investmentsによると調査対象の67%の家庭では将来のcollege費用のために貯蓄を積極的に実施しておりその数字は2007年の58%、2009年の63%と比べて上昇している。