貴社のmatristem micromatrixですが、バイアル瓶で開け口が、メタルのような金属で固く覆われて閉められていておりますが、このバイアル瓶はどのようにして開けるので御座いましょうか?
The vial is rigidly capped with some metallic substance. How do I open this cap? Could you please provide me with more detailed information on how to open the vial?
Also, there was only 0.5cm of powder in the vial; the vial was not full. Is this really how much powder you put in the vial?
I would appreciate it if you could clarify above.
Thank you.
How should we open your matristem micromatrix? It is vial container and is covered with the metal hard and closed.
We would like to know how we can open this bottle.
Please let me know specifically.
And powder is put only about 0.5cm of the container of the bottle but it is done by such little bit?
Please advise.
Thank you.
And the vial is not filled up fully. It seems that each bottle contains the powder only 0.5 cm of the vial and its amount contained is not specified. Is each vial supposed to be filled with small amount of powder?
Your assistance in this matter would be appreciated.