job descriptionを再確認した上で対応をお願いします
Thank you for great application. I need your help a little bit more.
The list below is the point we want you to modify or confirm as a result of the test.
Please correspond with this after re-checking the job description.
- What feature of the icon below of the address input column?
- There are errors remaining in source code. Please modify those.
- Please display it in the grey color and small font in below part of column if the column of Home, Office, and Favorite column in Setting are input.
Thanks for the great app. Let's keep up the good work for a bit longer.
Below is a list of tests, results, revisions and confirmations that I'd like to request.
-Could I have a response concerning the reconfimation of the job description please?
-There are some errors remaining in the source code, so could you fix these please.
-On the Settings menu, could you have some small grey text to display that something has been entered into the Home, Office and Favourite fields.
Thanks for the awesome application. But I need just a little more help and change on the applications.
The test results are shown as below, there are some problems that i want to ask for a fix, it is also a list that need to be confirm.
Please reconfirm the job description.
-What is the function of the icon below address input column?
-Source code is still error, please update it.
-While typing input to Home, Office and Favorite column on setting screen, please display a small and gray words under the column.
- Please put the mail icon in the setting next to Home, Setting of the below of the screen
- Please include selection of trains, cars, or walk and list display for referred goHome application in the route map.
- In the case the registered address cannot be displayed. Please display alert such as "The registered address is not found out" etc.
- The mail icon in settings should be displayed in the lower part of the screen next to Home and Setting.
-Like the goHome app which you've been using for reference, please display the options train, car and on foot in a list format.
-In the event that the registered address cannot be displayed, please display a message to this effect: 'Unable to find the registered address.'