凸版印刷は、O2Oプロモーションシステム「LinkPlace」をパーソナル・クラウド・サービス「Evernote(エバーノート)」と組み合わせ、展示会や店頭での資料配布用途に拡張した新サービス「LinkPlace for Exhibition」を開発、8月下旬から提供を開始することを発表した。
The service is what we want to be readily available material data that are distributed at stores and exhibitions. It doesn't need to take a heavy material , I can confirm the content of the material to access "Evernote".
Such service is meant to enable people to obtain document's data that is distribited at a exihibition and retail store in convenient way. Therefore, there is no need to carry back heavy documents and by accessing to "Evernote", we can check the detail of document.
And provides paperless document distributed by exhibitors and organizations also in the exhibition. You can reduce the burden on the promotion and sending the direct mail (DM) to further visitors.
Also, we fulfilled to cut the paper consumpution that exhibiting firms and groups destribute in the exhibition. Moreover, we are able to reduce burden of promotion such as sending direct e-mail to paticipants.