Due to their anti-introspective nature,authoritarians probably do not think a lot about this topic; thus, some authoritarians will rate themselves as high on life satisfaction, whereas others will rate themselves low.
According to Erikson, individuals must successfully negotiate the stage of intimacy versus isolation before experiencing true generativity.Marriage is one way that many people satisfy needs for intimacy.Indeed,in the current sample, 96% of the women had been married at some point in their lives.In the ideal Eriksonian scenario,women who have successfully negotiated the Eriksonian crisis of intimacy versus isolation should be able to develop into fully generative beings.
Erikson によれば、人間が真の世代性(ジェネラティビティ)を感じるには、親密性vs.孤立の段階をうまく乗り越えることが必要です。多くの人が親密性の要求を満たす方法のひとつが結婚です。実際、今回のサンプルでは、96%の女性が人生のある時期に結婚を経験していました。エリクソン派の理想的なシナリオでは、エリクソン理論の親密性vs.孤立という危機を乗り越えた女性は、十分に世代性を持った人間に発達できます。