[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 声って、いろいろな形があるんだね。 四角もあれば、三角、丸い形、刃物みたいにとがっているときもある。 声を発する人の気分によって、形を変えて相手にぶつ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は loquita さん japanesenglishfrench さん ichi_09 さん ypsilon さん annpotter さん junnyt さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 7人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 12件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1732文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 45分 です。

rami2929による依頼 2010/04/20 12:02:40 閲覧 3880回
残り時間: 終了
原文 / 日本語 コピー










評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 12:38:31に投稿されました
You know, voices have many forms.
Some voices are square, some voices are triangle, some voices are round, and sometimes they are sharp like blades.
As your feeling changes, your voices changes their form when they reach someone.

You can disturb someone's mind only by your voice, without any words.
You can express your feelings — happiness, joy, sadness and scare, just by your voices.

You can effect someone's air or eye only by your voice.
You can hurt or damage someone only by your voice, even your voices don't touch them really.

You can change the mood darkly in a moment only by your voices.
How deep means a voice!

You can form your voices as you like.
Maybe it's a great tool!
You form and put out your voice to tell something.

What kind of form has the voice you've put out just now?
★★★★★ 5.0/1
ichi_09- 14年以上前

Was it round? Was it sharp?
You must know it because it's your own voice.
But you can't see its form.

Many voices fly in many forms here and there, and you can't see them.
How nice if they have only comfortable form!

Voices are invisible and wonder, isn't it?

翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 13:21:12に投稿されました
Voices, there are several shapes.
Some are square, triangular, round shape, sometimes like a sharpened knife.
By the feeling of those who utter voice, bang up against in a different shape.

Just not only word, the voice can also corrupt the heart of the partner.
Fun, joy, sadness, can be expressed in one voice as well as fear.

One voice only may change his attitude and look.
A voice can cause injuries and even hurt without tell them directly.

Sometimes atmosphere darkens just because of one voice.
The voice has a weight in its meaning.

Voice ca be changed any way by yourself.
Might be a great tool.
Give voice a different form to convey something to others.

Now, how the shape of my voice is flying to the partner?
Even without words, something will be transmitted to others.

If the shape were is round or was sharpened
Who took out understand well.
However, the shape of the voice is invisible.

Even today, many forms of invisible voices flying around.
I just hope the voice is so soothing.

Voice is wonderful although it is not visible.
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 12:45:44に投稿されました
Voice has a number of shapes, right?
Sometimes square, triangular, round shape, sometimes like a sharp knife.
Voice changes with the mood of the people who make the voice, and bang up against the listener.

Without any word, one can distract the listener only by voice.
Fun, joy, sadness, as well as fear can be expressed in one voice.

Listener's attitude and eye expression can be changed by one voice.
Not speaking directly against the listener, voice could make him/her hurt or injured.

Sometimes it makes the atmosphere get dark suddenly with a voice.
Voice has strong meanings in it, doesn't it.

Voice's shape can be changed into any way by yourself.
It might be a great tool.
You can change the shape of the voice and shutter it when you want to convey something to the listener.

Now what is the shape of your voice when it flies to the listeners?
Even without words, what is conveyed?

Is it round or pointed shape?
The speaker must actually know it well.
However, the shape of the voice is invisible.

Invisible Voices with many different shapes fly over around also for today.
I just hope the shapes of all the voices can be relaxing.

Although it's invisible, voice is wonderful, isn't it.
原文 / 日本語 コピー






「うわぁ これはすごい



評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 12:53:35に投稿されました
We two ants are good friends, Martha and Emily.

”Come on Emily, let's play!”
”Okay, Martha.”
”What will we do?”
”Let's play hide-and-seek.”
”That's nice.”

”Now Martha hides!”
”Hmm, where shall I hide?”

Martha looked for a good place to hide here and there, and found a kind of dome with a big roof.

”I tell Emily about it!”
”Emily, Emily, come over here!”

★★★★★ 5.0/2
ichi_09- 14年以上前

”I got you Martha!”

"This is no time for that, Emily!"
"I found a big dome over there!"
"Look, look, there it is!"
"Wow, that's great!"

ichi_09- 14年以上前
They looked into the dome, it was so big!
It was a plastic bottle.
They went into the dome and watched here and there, then it seemed to come a human.
ichi_09- 14年以上前
"Emily, let's get out of here!"
"A human is there!"
As soon as Martha went out of the plastic bottle, it was thrown into a lake!
Poor Emily inside,
It was so dizzy!
"Help me!"
評価 56
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 12:59:28に投稿されました
We are ants, and we are good friends.
Our names are Martha and Emily.
"Let's play, Emily !"
"Yeah, let's !"
"What are we going to play ?"
"Let's play hide-and-seek."
"Yeah. All right. Let's do that."

"All right, Martha. I'm going to hide."
"Well, well... Where am I going to hide?
As I searched around, I found something which looked like a big dome with a roof.

"I'm going to tell Emily about it."
"Emily ! Emily ! Come here a minute!"
"I found you, Martha !"

"No! This is no time for that."
"There is a big dome over there."
"There ! Can you see it ? Over there !"
"Wow ! This is awesome !"
As we peeked inside, we found something big !
This is a plastic bottle.
As we came in and looked around, it seemed as though a human was coming.

"Emily, let's get out of here ! Quick !"
"A human is coming !"
Right at the moment when Martha got out, someone threw the plastic bottle into a lake.
Emily was still trapped inside.
She felt dizzy..., dizzy...
"Help !"
★★★★☆ 4.5/2
評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 12:46:43に投稿されました
We are two ants. We are so good friends.
We are Martha and Emily.

- Emily, let's play.
- Yeah, let's play.
- What do we play?
- Let's play hide and seek.
- Nice idea!

- Martha, I'm going to hide. Mmm, where should I hide..?

While she was looking for a nice place to hide,
she found a dome-like building with a big roof.

- I wanna tell about it to Emily.
Hey Emily, Emily, come here please.
- I got you Martha!

- It's not time for that. There, I found a big dome.
See? there!
- Wow! It's amazing!

Looking into the dome, they found it's so big, large, huge!
It's a plastic bottle.
They were wandering to and fro inside when someone came; a human.

- Emily, let's get out of here, quickly!
A human has come!
The bottle was thrown into a lake just after Martha got out.
But Emily couldn't get out from there, she is still there inside.
She felt dizzy, going round and round..
- Help!!!
★★★★☆ 4.5/2
原文 / 日本語 コピー



Emilyちゃんが、家に入っていくと、皆、目を赤くして「Emilyちゃん」 「本当かいっ 夢のようだっ と驚いていて、もう一度良く見て「ずいぶん、やせたね。「よく帰れたね。と、皆が大喜びだった。

Emilyちゃんは本当に心配かけて申し訳ないと思い、また無事に帰れて皆が喜んでくれたことを 本当にうれしく思いましたとさ。

評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 13:07:34に投稿されました
She never got out of the plastic bottle.
Everybody in the town was worrying about Emily everyday, and waiting for her all night long.

A week later, the wind was picking up at night, the plastic bottle was washed ashore.
Emily finally hobbled a few steps and got out of it.

When Emily got in the house, everybody with red eyes was surprised and said "Emily" "Wow, it's amazing", and looked at her again and said "You lost weight so much" "You really came home safety" with pleasure.

Emily felt very sorry for making them worry, and was so happy that they were pleased with my safety.
★★★★☆ 4.5/2
[削除済みユーザ]- 14年以上前
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 12:49:46に投稿されました

Finally she couldn’t get out of the plastic bottle
Everybody in the city was so worried about Emily that he or she was waiting everyday without any sleep.

A week later, the wind got stronger and the bottle reached the shore.
Emily could just walk awkwardly and get out of it.

When Emily get in the house, everybody had red eyes and tears with surprise saying “Oh, Emily” “I can’t believe. It’s like a dream?”

Then they saw her again saying “You lost your weight so much” “You finally came home” and were really excited.

Emily was really sorry for their worry and felt happy as people were pleased with her coming home safely.

★★★☆☆ 3.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 13:14:50に投稿されました
Finally, Emily could not get out of the bottles.
People in the street were all worrying about Emily every day, and continued waiting sleeplessly.

Then, one week later, it became windy in the night, and the bottle drifted ashore.
Emily walked staggeredly, being able to get out.

When Emily went into the house, everyone got surprised. "Emily", "Is it real? Like in a dream" They looked at Emily again," you've got slim ", "Finally get back" Everyone was overjoyed.

Emily felt sorry to let other people get worried, and was so glad that everyone was happy when she got back home safely again.
★★★☆☆ 3.0/1
原文 / 日本語 コピー









評価 51
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 12:37:16に投稿されました
A Hippo, who always looks up the sky from a lake, his name is Mike.
He looks up the sky again and again, but airplanes and birds and clouds are only passing upon his head.
If only I could go up to the sky once in my life...

One day he reached to the idea of jumping as hard as possible.
So he did jump with all his power!
Then what a surprise, he could jump much higher than he expected!

Playing with butterflies..
Going through the clouds...
Surprising the passengers of the airplanes from outside of the windows...

Passing through the aerospace, he could spend so much enjoyable time even talking with astronauts.

Mike got so satisfied.

But as he noticed that the earth became smaller and smaller in his sight, he became lonelier and lonelier.

Now he wished to come back to the earth. And he remembered several things. He remembered about his family, his girlfriend, his friend, and the lake in which he always floats in.
Suddenly he felt so sad and lonely. So he went back to the earth.

Since then, he has been looking up the sky as usual.
★★★★★ 5.0/2
評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 14:25:01に投稿されました
A hippopotamus boy who are always looking for the sky from the lake is Mike.
Every time he looks up the sky, airplanes and birds and clouds are just flew away.
I wish I could fly the sky just once...

One day, Mike hit upon jumping with abandon.
And Mike jumped at full power!
And he could jump at an unexpectedly higher easily.

He played with the butterfly.
He flew into the clouds.
He knocked out the passengers in the airplane through the window.

Passing through the earth's atmosphere,
he talked to the astronauts
and spent a happy happy time.

Mike was so pumped.

But, the earth was getting smaller and smaller,
Mike was becoming lonely.

Mike wanted to come to earth and he was remembering many things.
His Family, his lover, his friends and the lake where he was always rocking on.
He suddenly felt sad, and he went back to the earth in a hurry.

Since then, Mike is always looking up the sky.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 14:28:04に投稿されました
Mike is a hippopotamus who always look up at the sky in the lake.
How many times he looks up it, planes, birds and clouds just passed by over the head.
“I wish I could fly in the sky once”

One day, he came up with an idea of jumping as high as possible.
And he tried it!
The jump was much higher than he had expected.

So he played with butterflies,
enjoyed coming through the clouds,
and astonished the passengers on the plane by the window…

After passing the aerosphere,
he had such a wonderful time talking to the astronaut.

Mike was completely satisfied.
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/04/20 14:47:33に投稿されました
His name is Mike, a hippo in the lake who is always looking to the sky.
Every time he at the sky,the birds and clouds and planes just past over his head.
Once is enough, I want go to the sky.

One day, Mike came up to try the jump.
And Mike thought to jump in with all the strength not more power!
Then go over the jump height with an ease that had never expected.

Play with or butterflies.
Penetrate the clouds and play.
And surprising the airplanes passengers looking by a window.

Going through the atmosphere,
He can also talk with the astronauts,
He had a great time.

Mike was very happy.

However, when he saw the earth going smaller gradually,
Mike would become felt lonely.

Mike reminded of many things when he wanted to return to the earth.
Families, lovers, friends, and the lake where ever floated.
Suddenly, he felt alone, and returned to earth in a hurry.

Since then, Mike is looking at the sky as usual.





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