[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 4. 女性は命ある限り女なのです。綺麗になって悲しくなる人は一人もいません。ある時、82歳のお婆ちゃんにメイクをしました。お婆ちゃんは「死ぬまでの間にこん...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は yukiya さん stellatian さん [削除済みユーザ] さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 4件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 454文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 26分 です。

aerodynamicによる依頼 2012/02/21 10:20:51 閲覧 1446回
残り時間: 終了

4. 女性は命ある限り女なのです。綺麗になって悲しくなる人は一人もいません。ある時、82歳のお婆ちゃんにメイクをしました。お婆ちゃんは「死ぬまでの間にこんなに綺麗にお化粧してくれるなんて夢にも思っていなかった。本当に嬉しい」と涙を流していました。震災後、瓦礫撤去などで顔が汚れてもメイク道具もないので、マスクで顔を隠しながらメイクをしにいらっしゃる方も大勢いました。しかし、メイクをしてあげると背筋も伸び、来た時の笑顔の10倍も綺麗になり、

評価 61
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/02/21 11:23:39に投稿されました
4.Women are women as long as they live. No one becomes sad being beautiful. I once applied a makeup for a 82-year-old woman. She said in tears, “I’ve never thought I would be given such a beautiful makeup before I die. I am so happy.” After the earthquake disaster, debris removal dirtied people’s face and there were no tools for makeup. For that reason, many came for the makeup with masks covering their face. But after the makeup, their back were straightened and they smiled 10 times beautifully
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/02/21 12:04:42に投稿されました
4. Women are always women as long as they are alive. No one will be sad if she becomes beautiful. I once made up an elderly woman who was 82 years old. She cried and said "I have never thought that I can be beautifully made up like this before I die. I am really happy." After the earthquake, people's faces were dirty because they had to clear away the rubble. There was no makeup tool, so a lot of people used masks to cover their faces and came for a makeup. After they were made up, they held their shoulder straight and the smiles on their faces are 10 times beautiful than those when they came.


評価 61
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/02/21 11:53:26に投稿されました
and said in delight, “Thank you. I’m happy. I will take the long way home!” Looking at wife’s face in delight, this man spoke highly of her saying, “you look prettiest ever! My wife is beautiful!” It was really heartwarming and I thought that “if women become cheerful, so do men. If men become cheerful, so do the economy, the world and the universe.” This is how I started helping others with the makeup, one of the things I can do for people, as I wanted to make as many people as possible beautiful and cheerful.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/02/21 12:47:02に投稿されました
Many people left saying, "Thank you. I am really happy. I think I should take a longer route to my home!" with smile. Their husbands also was proud of their pretty wives, saying, "She hasn't been this pretty! My wife is beautiful!" The scene warmed our hearts. I thought if women become peppy men can be too. And if men's spirits are high and the economy will be up and so will the world and universe be!" This thought is one of my motivations of "makeup assistance" by which I would like to make as many people as possible pretty and high spirited.
[削除済みユーザ]- 約12年前
Their husbands also was proud of their pretty wives =>One of their husbands was proud of his pretty wife, にしてください。



次の質問に対する回答です: 4. Why have you chosen to volunteer your services? Are you helping women boost their self-esteem after going through such a stressful time in their lives?


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