This ring is inspired by the blade of Japanese sword.
Shinogi means the ridge line where the layers of a Japanese sword meet.
The line without any superfluities.
The contrast between the bright oblique surface and the matte finish surface.
The ring is matte-finished to make the difference between gold and platinum clear.
Made from hammered and ultimately polished bare metal, the ring is ultimately hard and has the sense of heaviness.
You must feel the functional beauty of a Japanese sword from the design without any superfluities.
You can choose the width between 3mm and 4mm, and a diamond can be added optionally.
Inspired by the blade of sword.
Shinogi is the edges hitting blade and blade of sword.
Slimmed line scraping off for the limit.
The contrast between the face of slanted with shinning and continuous face of matt finished.
With matting , it can emphasise two colours in gold and platinum clearly.
Refining and polishing the metal for the limo, finishes solid weight definitely.
The design without wasting at all, you can feel the the maximum functional beauty of sword.
The width in 3mm or 4 mm can be available and you can place the diamond as well.
An image from an edge of a sword.
Shinogi is the edge line which swords run into each other.
The line which is shaved has no waste extremely.
The face has a contrast between shiny at an angle and matte in a horizontal way.
We can recognize the two color, gold and platinum because of getting off shiny.
By tapping, building, and polishing the metal ultimately,
the ring has solid-looking and extremely dignity.
The design with all the waste removed
makes us feel the functional beauty of the sword.
You can choose the width both 3mm and 4mm and also put diamonds.