I was in a different town today and mailed packages near their closing time with a long line behind me. There was no chance to inquire about the tracking of this parcel and it also was not the point of origination with my shipment of the LP. The hold times will likely continue to be difficult. Looking on the website, I see that we can submit a case online.
I have just done so. The case number for request is: HQ140071588. They are supposedly getting back to me in 1 day. SInce tomorrow is Sunday, I assume that contact should be made with me by Monday. I will keep you posted on this.
私はちょうどそうした。 要求のケース番号はHQ140071588です。 彼らはおそらく1日以内で返信します。 明日は日曜日ですので、月曜日までに返信が来ると思います。 状況の進歩に応じて連絡し続きます。