Fukuyutaka is 100% soybeans produced in Kyushu Thoroughly fried three times in luxurious rapeseed oil that has been extracted with the greatest pressure. Enjoy the delicious taste we are proud of with a crunchy outside and soft inside.
With Soybean produced in Kyushu named "Fukuyutaka" 100% containing It is organic pesticide and squeezed firstly. Luxury "rapeseed oil" is used. It is fired "three times". Outside is "crunchy", and inside is "soft". Please taste our proud deliciousness.
Fried Tofu 100% made of soy beans Fukuyutaka made in Kyushu. Fried three times with various temperatures with single-pressed, Pesticide-free Rape seed oil. Crispy surface, mellow inside, Taste our proud product.
また、改めて見直しまして、Fukuyutaka made in Kyushuは、間違いではありませんが、その前のmade ofとmadeが重なっているので、文章としましてはFukuyutaka produced in Kyushuのほうが良かったと思います。早く気づけなくてすみません。
Please try "crispy", "softly", and tasty soy beans which are "fried 3 times gradually" with "rapeseed oil" with no pesticides ,squeezed freshly at once richly.
Rapeseed と一単語の方がいいですか
また、改めて見直しまして、Fukuyutaka made in Kyushuは、間違いではありませんが、その前のmade ofとmadeが重なっているので、文章としましてはFukuyutaka produced in Kyushuのほうが良かったと思います。早く気づけなくてすみません。
すみません! 1行目「〜〜ふくゆたか100%」と、2行目「無農薬で〜〜」の間に、
https://conyac.cc/ja/place/projects/7538 こちらの案件にご応募お願いします。