Disc:1には「ホテル・カリフォルニア」レコーディング中となる、1976年USツアーから1976年8月6日のシアトル公演を収録。ジョー・ウォルシュ加入後ながら、前作「THESE NIGHTS」のヒット後であり、「ホテル・カリフォルニア」の発表前という事でバーニー・レドン在籍時の貴重な曲も演奏されており、特に2ndアルバムから、コンセプトのメイン・トラックとも言うべき"DOOLIN-DALTON"をプレイ。またそのまま"ならず者"とメドレーで演奏されるのもこの時期ならでは。
Translation / English
- Posted at 08 Jul 2016 at 18:06
Disc:1 includes the Seattle performance on August 6th, 1976 among US tour in 1976, when "Hotel California" had been recorded. Joe Walsh joint Eagles before the show, and it was after the hit of previous album "THESE NIGHTS", and before the release of "Hotel California". Therefore rare tunes produced when Bernard Mathew Leadon was a member of Eagles were also played. Especially, the main track of the album concept, "DOOLIN-DALTON" is chosen from the 2nd album and was played in the show, and also "DESPERADO" is played as a medley, which was typically seen at that time.
Translation / English
- Posted at 08 Jul 2016 at 18:28
On disc 1: there is the recording of 'Hotel California' and the concerts from the US tour in 1976 to the performance in Seattle on August 6th 1976. After Jo Walsh joined the band, after the previous hit of 'These Nights' there is also the performance of Bernie Leadon in the previously mentioned 'Hotel California'. Then particularly from the 2nd album there is 'Doolan-Dalton' which ought to be called the main concept track. Then there is also the raw recording of the medley of 'hooligan'.