9月3日、KEMURIプロデュースのSKAコンピレーション・アルバム『STRANGER THAN SKA』のリリースが決定!!
KEMURI's Produce, SKA compilation album is being released!!
September 3 is the release date of KEMURI's produce SKA compilation album "STRANGER THAN SKA”!!
Japanese and American SKA bands of 17 groups are participating!!
ちょうど9月2日、3日に東京・新代田FEVERにて開催のKEMURI主催イベント“SKA BRAVO”に出演するアーティストもすべて収録されているので、そちらも合わせて要チェック!!
Just right the artists who will appear on an event "SKA BRAVO" that will be organized by KEMURI in Shinshirota FEVER, Tokyo on Sep. 2 and 3 are all recorded, so please check with them together!!
Just September 2 and 3, KEMURI’s sponsored event "SKA BRAVO” is being held at the FEVER in Tokyo Shindaita and the artists who appeared in the event are joined in the recording, so this also should be checked out together!!
申し訳ありません。スカパンク、スカコアのスペルをSKA PUNK, SKACOREに訂正いたします。よろしくお願いいたします。