デビュー15周年イヤーに突入し、先月サマー・コレクション・アルバム「SUMMER of LOVE」をリリースした倖田來未が、カラオケボイスドリンクのポスタービジュアルに起用されました。
KUMI KODA who acts for 15 years and release summer collection album 「SUMMER of LOVE」 last month was appointed for poster visual of Karaoke voice drink.
Karaoke voice drink is the drink that was started to be sold since last summer around, produced by Avex and can care throat.
The rush to debut 15th anniversary year, is Koda Kumi, which has released the Summer collection album "SUMMER of LOVE" last month, has been appointed as the karaoke voice drink poster visual.
Throat care drink and karaoke voice drink Avex sold from last summer to produce.
●カラオケボイスドリンク オフィシャルサイト
As it is posted only at the shops where Karaoke Voiced Drink is introduced, the poster is also produced with limited number.
Why don't you check it when you go to the karaoke?
Official website of Karaoke Voiced Drink
For locations that are attached are also limited to shop karaoke voice drink has been introduced, posters produced in limited!
Come check when I went to karaoke!
● karaoke voice drink Official Site
Now, national karaoke shops and Record Tower such as Karaoke hall and karaoke kan and record stores such as TSUTAYA, will be able to buy at Okinawa Minami Kyushu Lawson or Family Mart.
Posters are only posted at Karaoke Voice Drink, and also limited posters are printed!
Let actual visit to karaoke bar!
Karaoke Voice Drink's official website: http://avex.jp/karaokevoicedrink/
Karaoke Voice Drink decide that Koda Kumi acts as a poster model in the future.
As entering 15th anniversary, Koda Kumi was appointed as a poster model at Karaoke Voice Drink in the future who had been released the summer series album "SUMMER of LOVE" in last month.
Karaoke Voice Drink produced and sale the throat health drink, Avex in the last summer.