Thank you for placing the winning bid on 4 speed lights. If you let us ship them in the same package, we will refund you a $60 shipping fee via PayPal. Is that all right with you? Please let us know. Thank you.
Thank you for winning a bid for 4 pieces of the speed light. If we can send by enclosing them, we will refund you the shipping charge 60 US dollars by Paypal. May we enclose them? We appreciate your cooperation.
I thank you for your knocking down four speedlights. If you allow us to include them in the package, we refund postage 60USD to you via paypal, is it all right the inclusioby? Please reply. Many thanks,
「via paypal,」は、「via paypal.」に、「is it all right the inclusinby?」は、「Is it all right, the inclusion?」と訂正いたします。