【原材料】 オリーブ油、ブドウ種子油、植物発酵物、ウコンエキス末、米胚芽油、植物発酵エキスパウダー、オリゴ糖、黒米、秋ウコン末、春ウコン末、紫ウコン末、大麦若葉末、ケール末、黒大豆、黒胡麻、ブロッコリー末、アサイ-ベリーパウダー、南瓜末、チンゲン菜末、パセリ末、メリロートエキス粉末、L-シトルリン、マカエキス末、スッポンオイル、ノコギリヤシエキス、カボチャ種子エキス、人参末、セロリ末、黒松の実、黒加倫、苦瓜末、ほうれん草末、桑の葉末、モロヘイヤ末、ヨモギ末、乳酸菌、
Part of the package of an item is damaged.
Part of the package of one of the items below is damaged,
but the contents inside hasnot been affected.
If you do not like it after seeing the picture, please refrain from purchasing it.
We do not accept returning and exchange of the items after you purchase.
We hate to say, but as the order you made was sold in another shop, we cancelled it a few minutes ago.
We are sorry to ask, but we are glad if you agree to the cancellation at eBay.
We apologize that we could not deliver the item to you this time.
We are excited to do business with you again some day.
Some packages may have damages.
Please be informed that one of these products have a damage on a part of the package, but there is no issues on the product itself. We advise you to refrain from purchasing it if you would not like after seeing the photos. We would not accept a return or a change after purchase.
We regret to inform you that your order has been cancelled due to the sales to another shop. We appreciae if you could show your agreement for the cancellation via ebay. We appologise that we could not deliver your order. We look forward to doing busines with you in the future.
There is a damaged goods in some packages.
However, there is no problem with the contents.
Please see the photos, and it doesn't matter without having to purchase it if you don't like them.
We don't accept returned the goods
after purchase.Exchange also please refrain.
I'm so sorry, we canceled the order of yours to sold in the other stores.
Sorry to trouble you, please agree to the cancellation from ebay.
I'm looking forward to deal with you again.
white turmeric powder ではなく、purple turmeric powderでした。サーチ不足でした。差し替えお願いいたします。