5/21配信『十字架~映画「学校の怪談-呪いの言霊-」Ver.~』 ダウンロード特典まとめ
5月21日から各配信サイトにて配信スタートとなる『十字架~映画「学校の怪談-呪いの言霊-」Ver.~』 において以下のサイトではダウンロード特典をご用意しております。
レコチョクにて『十字架 ~映画「学校の怪談 -呪いの言霊-」 Ver.~』の着うた(R)全切り出し、着うたフル(R)、着うたフルプラス、シングル、
[RecoChoku ]
On the website of RecoChoku, you can download the selection of all ringtones(R), all ringtones(R), full plus ringtones, single of "THE CROSS "Haunted School - The Power of Words of Curse" Ver. - "
We will offer as a gift "Autographed Solo cheki(single photo taken by Instax ) with a name of each winner to 15 winners of the lottery from among applicants who downloaded items from the above websites.
-We will give away Solo Checki photo snaps to 15 lucky winners with that winner's name and personal autographs from among those who downloaded "The Cross~'School Ghost Story—The Cursed Soul of Language' Movie Version" Chaku-Uta® Ringtones (all clips), Chaku-Uta Full® complete tracks, Chaku-Uta Full Plus complete tracks, and singles, or those who entered at RecoChoku.
1. 当選者のお名前&小西彩乃 直筆サイン入りソロチェキ
2. 当選者のお名前&山邊未夢 直筆サイン入りソロチェキ
3. 当選者のお名前&新井ひとみ 直筆サイン入りソロチェキ
4. 当選者のお名前&中江友梨 直筆サイン入りソロチェキ
5. 当選者のお名前&庄司芽生 直筆サイン入りソロチェキ
*We will give away three of each to the winners
1. Ayano Konishi's Solo Cheki photo snap with winner's name and personal autograph
2. Miyu Yamabe's Solo Cheki photo snap with winner's name and personal autograph
3. Hitomi Arai's Solo Cheki photo snap with winner's name and personal autograph
4. Yuri Nakae's Solo Cheki photo snap with winner's name and personal autograph
5. Mei Shyoji's Solo Cheki photo snap with winner's name and personal autograph
Application times: 5/21 (Wed) - 5/27 (Tue)
※ Each way there will be three applicants can get the gift.
!.Solo photo with the elected person's name &「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」autographed
2.Solo photo with the elected person's name &「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」autographed
3.Solo photo with the elected person's name &「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」autographed
4.Solo photo with the elected person's name &「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」autographed
5.Solo photo with the elected person's name &「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」autographed
Dates to apply:5/21(Wed)~5/27(Tue)