[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] このDLAは、新品のDLC ミキサーへの支払いの一部として受理されました。このミキサーにあるシリアル番号によると、1988年の中頃に生産されたものになりま...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は monagypsy さん sweetshino さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 5件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 5417文字

kitaによる依頼 2011/03/15 20:36:48 閲覧 1913回
残り時間: 終了
原文 / 英語 コピー

This DLA was accepted as partial payment towards a new DLC mixer. The serial number on this mixer places its production sometime around the middle of 1988. The mixer was in working condition but needed attention before I would offer it for sale on e-bay. The mixer was shipped to Buzzy Beck for a complete evaluation and rebuild. As most people know Mr. Beck is one of the last original USA Bozak repair engineer and designer of many products including the original 1983 Bozak HB series mixer. All of Mr. Beck's total rebuilds as the photos show include disassembling and then complete rebuilding from the ground up.
Cosmetically the mixer has normal age and discoloration but is still in very nice shape.

評価 53
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/03/16 06:24:38に投稿されました
このDLAは、新品のDLC ミキサーへの支払いの一部として受理されました。このミキサーにあるシリアル番号によると、1988年の中頃に生産されたものになります。このミキサーは稼動はしますがEbayに出展する前にいくつか注意事項があります。このミキサーはBuzzy Beckへ徹底評価のために発送され、復元されたものです。Beck氏は多くの方がご存知のように、アメリカに存在する最後の元祖Bozak修理工で、1983の Bozak HBシリーズミキサーを含む多くの商品の設計士でもあります。Beck氏による復元模様は、解体を含み、完全に復元するまでを写真でごらんいただけます。
評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/03/15 22:30:03に投稿されました
このDLAは、新しいDLCミキサーへの内金として受納されました。このミキサーの製造番号から、1988年中頃に製造されたと思われます。ミキサーは使用できる状態でしたが、e-bayでの販売をする前に点検が必要でした。ミキサーは総合評価とリビルドのためにBuzzy Beckへ発送されました。多くの方がご存知のように、Mr.Beckはオリジナルの1983年Bozak HBシリーズのミキサーを含むたくさんの製品のデザイナー兼最後のオリジナルUSA Bozak修理エンジニアの一人です。Mr.Beckのリビルドした全ての製品は、写真でご覧の通り分解し、その後すっかり作りなおします。
原文 / 英語 コピー

You can see from the photos nearly all lettering are in excellent condition.
Because of the pilot lamp being replaced and enlarged at one time the faceplate was replaced with an Original component. A New Old Stock pilot lamp was then installed on the panel to maintain originality. All knobs are original and cleaned and have new replacement tops on any that needed cosmetic attention. The rear chassis RCA connectors have all been replaced and updated with new original factory riveted style Gold RCA phono jacks. The transformer is rebuilt and the power cord as with all rear wiring and panel capacitors are new.

評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/03/15 22:50:10に投稿されました
表示灯が取り替えられ、拡大されたフェースプレートはオリジナルの物と取り替えられたからです。新しいOld Stockの表示灯は、オリジナリティを維持する為にパネルにインストールされました。全てのノブはオリジナルで、きれいにされ、外観的な手入れが必要なものは新しい交換部品をつけました。リアシャーシRCAコネクターは、全て交換され、オリジナル工場のリベットスタイルGold RCA ジャックの最新式にされました。変圧器は、リビルドされ、電源ケーブルのように、全てのリアワイヤーとコンデンサ盤は新品です。
原文 / 英語 コピー

There were 2 small holes drilled on the rear chassis where someone was possibly going to add extra jacks but those holes are now covered as you can see with the Buzzy Beck name plate riveted to the rear panel. The top and bottom covers are original and in good shape.
This is an honest evaluation of the physical characteristics of the mixers appearance so you will know exactly what you are receiving. This evaluation has no concern on the audio reproduction ability of the mixer. The photos were taken with the attempt to show any flaws so nothing is hidden from your physical evaluation.

評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/03/15 23:22:08に投稿されました
リアシャーシに、だれかが予備のジャックを追加する目的で空けたと思われるドリルの穴が2つありましたが、今は、リアパネルにBuzzy Beckのネームパネルが釘付けされているのが見て頂けるように、カバーされています。トップと底のカバーはオリジナルで、良い形状です。
原文 / 英語 コピー

As I stated earlier the mixer electronically was received in good working condition. All cards that were in the mixer were in proper working order and none of the pots exhibited any major wear signs. There was tarnish on some of the shafts that may have been present from the environment it was in at one time. None the less all controls were professionally ultrasonically cleaned with special chemicals and then tested before being re-used. This process is the only way a sealed control like the Allen/Bradley balance potentiometers and microphone gain controls can be cleaned and lubricated for extended life.

評価 44
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2011/03/15 23:44:45に投稿されました
原文 / 英語 コピー

The Master Volume, Monitor Level, and Input channel potentiometers are the Black Alps RK40s that were also ultrasonically cleaned before reassembling.
All audio signal path toggle switches were replaced and newly rewired. The Cue switch is tight and reinstalled with all original factory wiring. The Power Supply card was upgraded with Vishay 125 degree 4000 and 8000 hour premium capacitors and the regulator has the later style service upgrade ultra heat sink. The Audio cards are completely recapped and have the 28db upgrade modification as well as critical resistor circuit tolerances changed from 5% to 2% for better channel balance accuracy.

原文 / 英語 コピー

The Tone, Summing Amp, Microphone, and Phono cards are all upgraded with premium components as well as Vishay quality axel capacitors used where the signal path is present. The Tone Control Boards are original New Old Stock components with original New Old Stock Allen/Bradley potentiometers. Many of the original New Old Stock parts are made available from Mr. Beck’s huge ownership of Bozak original factory Inventory.

原文 / 英語 コピー

This unit was completely checked, tested, and set to original factory specifications. All factory DL series mixer service upgrades have been performed on this mixer by Mr. Beck. The cost of original and replacement parts plus the labor charge alone is more than the price of the mixer, dated back in 1988. If you do not need all the extra inputs or outputs that the DLC mixer offers then this is the perfect mixer for your application. The mixer is in its original configuration of 2 Phono, 4 Auxiliary and 2 microphone channel inputs. The rear panel has the factory RCA loop jacks and toggle switch along with all standard output connectors.

原文 / 英語 コピー

Any of the Phono channels can be converted to Auxiliary use and any Auxiliary channels can be converted to Phono inputs. Any modifications, changes, or services you may want to make in the future would be offered to you by Mr. Beck providing you are the original owner and no alterations were made to the mixer. The Bozak mixer is most likely the best Analog mixer ever created and this unit will undoubtedly provide service for many years to come.

原文 / 英語 コピー

All Cards And Internal Workings May Have Replacement Or Upgraded Parts Including But Not Limited To, Resistors, Diodes, Transistors, Capacitors, And Small Parts To Assemble Unit And Restore Original Specifications. All Panel Wiring And Connectors Are Original Brand And Type Used. The Buyer Is Completely Responsible For The Proper Use And Installation Of The Unit Including Any Problems That May Be Created From Same. Any Damage From Shipment Will Be The Responsibility Of The Buyer And Shall Be Taken Up With The Freight Carrier. The Amount Of Insurance Shall Be Decided Upon By The Buyer.

原文 / 英語 コピー

The Unit Is Guaranteed Not To Be Electronically DOA If No Physical Damage Is Present From Shipping. No Other Warranty Is Expressed Or Implied.



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