There is a danger, it is true, that the relations of Cicero and Octavianus may be dated too far back, interpreted in the light of subsequent history, and invested with a significance foreign even to the secret thoughts of the agents themselves. Cicero had first made the acquaintance of Caesar's heir in April. Then nothing more for six weeks. In June, however, he recognized that the youth was to be encouraged and kept from allying himself with Antonius; in July, Octavianus became a fact and a force in politics. Events were moving swiftly. In his account of the reasons that moved him to return, Cicero makes no mention of the Ludi Victoriae Caesaris and the consequent breach between Antonius and Octavianus.
Yet of these events he will perhaps have had cognizance at Leucopetra. Only a domestic quarrel, it might appear, in the ranks of the Caesarian party: yet clearly of a kind to influence the public policy of Antonius. Again, in the first two speeches against Antonius, no word of the young Caesar: yet the existence of Antonius' rival must have been reckoned as a political factor by Cicero and P. Servilius when they attacked the consul. However that may be, by the beginning of October,Caesar's heir was an alarming phenomenon. But even now, Cicero was full of distrust, suspecting the real designs of Octavianus and doubting his capacity to stand against Antonius. Praetors were appointed to the number of sixteen.
It is not of this, however,that I would write, since there had formerly been just as many, but of the fact that among those chosen was Publius Ventidius.He was appointed praetor by Caesar;and he went on advancing until he finally conquered the Parthians.All were thus appointed in advance who were to hold office the first year after that, but for the second year only the consuls;so far were they from appointing anybody for the third year.Caesar himself intended to be dictator both years, and designated as masters of the horse another man and Octavius. For the time being, while this was going on, Caesar appointed Dolabella consul.To Lepidus he assigned Gallia,and appointed two men masters, each to act separately.