I apologize for the communication. Our business is picking up rapidly, but unfortunately, that has caused us to be very busy and our response can be delayed due to that. It is also taking longer to get orders shipped because our volume is getting bigger. We have already hired someone new for shipping and are also looking to hire someone else to lighten our load in the office. Hopefully, we will have someone new soon and I can concentrate better on Dealer accounts.
Unfortunately, we have run out of stock of the Sony Battery Plate Adapters. May we replace the Sony Plate in your order with
a Canon Plate and include a Canon equivalent Battery and Charger at no extra cost this time?
残念なことに、Sony Battery Plate Adaptersは在庫を切らしています。ご注文分のSony Plate をCanon の同等 Battery と Charger 込みのCanon Plate へ変更することはできませんか?今回は上乗せ料金なしでご提供します。
発送のためにすでに新しく人を雇い, オフィスの負担を軽減するための人も探しています。