[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] Octavianは急襲をかけ、動転する住民らを救助するためにAgrippa をAusoniaに贈った。別の軍と共にBrundusiumに進軍する途中、彼は...

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symeによる依頼 2013/03/15 00:35:09 閲覧 1130回
残り時間: 終了

Octavian, attacked so suddenly, sent Agrippa into Ausonia to succour the distressed inhabitants.While marching to Brundusium with another army he again fell in with the colonized veterans,and interceded with them, and prevailed upon those who had been colonized by himself to follow him.They were ashamed to refuse,but they had the secret intention to bring Antony and Octavian into harmony with each other,and if Antony should refuse and go to war,then to defend Octavian.The latter was detained some days at Canusium by sickness.Although his forces considerably outnumbered those of Antony,he found Brundusium walled in,and he could do nothing but encamp alongside of it and await events.Antony was about to attack the

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/15 00:52:21に投稿されました
Octavianは急襲をかけ、動転する住民らを救助するためにAgrippa をAusoniaに贈った。別の軍と共にBrundusiumに進軍する途中、彼は再び入植した古参兵に出くわし、彼らに働きかけて入植していた兵士らに対して彼についてくるよう説得した。彼らは拒むことを恥じたが、AntonyとOctavianを和解させ、もしAntonyがそれを拒否した戦争に突入すればOctavianを擁護するという密かな意図があった。Octavianは病のために数日間Canusiumに滞留した。自分の軍隊はAntony軍より数の上では遥かに勝っていたが、Brundusiumが塀で囲まれているのを見て、塀沿いに野営して成り行きを見守るより他なかった。AntonyはBrundusiumの住民を攻撃しようとしており、
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翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/16 00:35:08に投稿されました

Brundusians, to the great chagrin of Octavian, since he was not able to defend them. When it was announced that Servilius was coming to the assistance of Octavian,Antony could not restrain his rage, but sprang up from supper, and, with such friends as he could find ready and with 400 horse,he pressed forward with the utmost intrepidity, and fell upon the 1500, who were still asleep near the town of Hyria, captured them without a fight, and returned to Brundusium.Thus did the reputation that Antony had gained at Philippi as invincible still inspire terror.Antony's praetorian cohorts, proud of his prestige, approached the camp of Octavian and reproached their former comrades for coming hither to fight Antony.When

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翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/15 01:01:50に投稿されました
Octavianは彼らを守ることができなかったため、非常に悔しがった。Servilius がOctavianの援護に駆けつけていると聞くと、Antonyは激しい怒りを抑えることができず、夕食中だったら飛び上がり、準備のできている友人と400頭の馬を従え、大胆に突き進み、Hyriaの街近くでまだ眠っていた1500名の兵士に出くわすと戦うことなく彼らを捕え、Brundusiumに戻った。こうしてAntonyがPhillipiの戦いで得た無敵との評判がまた恐怖を引き起こした。Antonyの近衛軍の歩兵隊はその評判を誇りに思い、Octavianの陣地に近づき、こちらに来てAntonyと戦おうとしたかつての仲間を非難した。

the latter replied that the others had come making war against themselves,they fell to arguing and brought charges against each other.Antony's men said that Calenus' troops had been taken from him,the others spoke of the investment and siege of Brundusium,the invasion of Southern Italy,the agreement with Ahenobarbus,and the treaty with Pompeius, their common enemy.Octavian's men revealed their purpose to the others, saying that they had come with Octavian, not because they were forgetful of Antony's merits, but with the intention of bringing them to an agreement, or, if Antony refused and continued the war, of defending Octavian against him.These things they openly said also when they approached Antony's works.

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/03/15 01:08:59に投稿されました





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