[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 百人隊長らは最近の例としてPompey the GreatやDolabellaの例を挙げ、Caesar自身、法定年齢の10年も前に執政官の職に立候補するこ...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は 3_yumie7 さん tatsuto さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 4件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2101文字

symeによる依頼 2013/02/16 23:11:26 閲覧 778回
残り時間: 終了

They instanced, as recent examples, Pompey the Great and Dolabella and said that it had been granted to Caesar himself to stand for the consulship ten years before the legal age.While the centurions were arguing with much boldness, some of the senators, who could not endure that centurions should use such freedom of speech, rebuked them for exceeding the bounds of military discipline.When the army heard of this, they were still more exasperated and demanded to be led immediately to the city, saying that they would hold a special election and raise Octavian to the consulship because he was Caesar's son. At the same time they extolled the elder Caesar without stint.When Octavian saw them in this excited state,

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/17 03:34:26に投稿されました
百人隊長らは最近の例としてPompey the GreatやDolabellaの例を挙げ、Caesar自身、法定年齢の10年も前に執政官の職に立候補することが認められたのだと述べた。百人隊長らが非常に大胆に口論していた間、百人隊長の分際でこのように自由に演説の自由を行使することに我慢できなかった元老院議員らは、軍の規律の分別を超えていると叱責した。軍隊はそれを聞いてさらに一層憤慨し、自分たちで特別選挙を行ない、OctavianはCaesarの息子なのだから彼を執政官の地位につけると述べて、直ちに市に連れていくよう要求した。同時に彼らは父Caesarを惜しみなく褒め称えた。兵士らがこのように興奮した状態にあるのを見たOctavianは、

he led them directly from the assembly, eight legions of foot and a corresponding number of horse, and the auxiliary troops that were serving with the legions. Having crossed the river Rubicon from the Gallic province into Italy, — the stream that his father crossed in like manner at the beginning of the civil war, — he divided his army in two parts. One of these divisions he ordered to follow in a leisurely way. The other and better one, consisting of picked men, made forced marches, hastening in order to take the city unprepared. Meeting a convoy on the road with part of the money which the Senate had sent as a present to the soldiers, Octavian feared the effect it might have on his mercenaries.

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/17 03:48:58に投稿されました

So he secretly sent forward a force to scare away the convoy, and they took to flight with the money.When the news of Octavian's approach reached the city there was immense confusion and alarm. People ran hither and thither, and some conveyed their wives and children and whatever they held most dear to the country and to the fortified parts of the city, for it was not yet known that he aimed only at securing the consulship. Having heard that an army was advancing with hostile intentions, there was nothing that they did not fear. The Senate was struck with consternation since they had no military force in readiness. As is usual in cases of panic they blamed each other.

評価 60
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/17 04:03:32に投稿されました
評価 52
翻訳 / 日本語
- 2013/02/17 16:51:56に投稿されました
それで彼は護送隊を追い払うためにこっそり前に進んだ。彼らは金を持って逃げた。 Octavianが市に接近しているという知らせを聞き、 大きな混乱と驚きが沸き起こった。人々はあちこち逃げ回り、あるものは妻や子供、そして持てる大事なものを持って市の要塞化された部分に逃げた。彼が貴族院の議席確保の為だけに来ているという事を彼らはまだ知らなかったのだ。軍隊が敵意を持って進んで来ていると聞き、恐れずにはいられなかったのだ。貴族院はすぐに使える軍がいない為、驚きに打たれ、いつものようにパニックでお互いを罵りあった。





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