Thank you for your continued patience while we investigated your missing units of Shipment: FBAVQSYV4.
Our fulfillment center associates have confirmed that they have not been able to locate the 1 missing unit of ASIN: B0002TY18Q FNSKU: X000EWTS0X.
I have submitted reimbursement request in the amount of 16.63 USD for the 1 missing Unit to our payments department for their review. This amount should be posted to your account in the next five business days as an “Other” transaction on the finance report.
当社のフルフィルメントセンターの関連会社がASIN番号B0002TY18Q FNSKU; X000EWTS0Xの不足の1ユニットを見つけることができなかったことを確認しました。