The Weibo Social Commerce Model that Twitter Should Copy
Sina Weibo is not making money. Not yet at least. But it may have found a way to do so, as we saw from last week’s Weibo social commerce test with Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi. The manufacturer offered 50,000 MI2 phones to Weibo users, which they could order through tweeting. Payments are all done within Sina Weibo.
Sina Weiboは収益を上げていない。少なくとも今のところは。だが、先週実験的に行った、 中国のスマートフォンメーカーXiaomiとのソーシャルコマースで、収益を上げる方法を見いだしたかもしれない。XiaomiはSina WeiboのユーザにMI2ブランドの携帯を5万台提供したのだが、それはユーザがツイートを通じて注文できるというものだった。決済はすべて、Sina Weibo内で行われる。
The result was staggering, with 1.3 million reservations made for those phones in just over five minutes. That was pretty shocking, and I chose it to be my pick for the top news story of last week. As I noted then, we have to give credit to Sina Weibo as a platform as it enabled Xiaomi to capitalize on such high demand. If Xiaomi could to fulfill each request, that would have meant $416 million!
I can’t help but feel that this is something that Twitter could try too. In fact Twitter has already tested something like this with its @EarlyBird experiment. That turned out to be a flop.
But the mechanism is different. @EarlyBird helped brands tweet out deals, but that’s about it. In contrast the Xiaomi-Weibo experiment last week was led and spread by Xiaomi. Folks who made a reservation also had to tweet their orders. And the result of this brand and fan push was a viral one.
Another key difference between Weibo and Twitter’s @EarlyBird is that payment is made through Weibo credits, thus providing a seamless process of ordering and paying for a Xiaomi MI2 entirely on Weibo.
I’m not sure if Sina Weibo will open this up for all brands, but given this Xiaomi success, my guess is that it probably will.
Sina Weiboと、Twitterの@EarlyBirdのもう1つの大きな違いは、決済がSina Weiboの決済アカウントで行われることで、つまり、Sina WeiboはMI2の注文と決済がすべてWeibo上でシームレスにできる環境を提供している。
Sina Weiboが今回のアプローチをその他すべてのブランドにも適用するかどうかは分からないが、Xiaomiの成功を考えると、おそらくそうすると私は思う。
もう1つのWeiboとTwitterの@EarlyBirdの重要な違いは、Weiboは決済がWeibo creditsを通して行なわれるため、完全にWeibo条でXiaomi MI2の注文、決済の途切れのないプロセスを提供できる。
Sina Weibo はこのシステムをすべてのブランドに利用できるようにするかどうかは確かではないが、このXiaomiの成功から考えて、おそらくそうするのではないかと思う。