Moreover, corporate tax revenues will decline if the corporate tax rate does not increase tocompensate for the ACE allowance. However, an increase in the corporate tax rate will havenegative effects on investment and on the location decisions of (especially) profitablecorporations and it will increase the transfer pricing problems.
Moreover, corporate cash-flow tax systems do not implement fullneutrality between debt and equity and between newly issued equity and retainedearnings if capital gains at the personal level are taxed upon realisation instead of uponaccrual. Full neutrality will only be achieved if savings are not taxed at the personal level orif savings receive consumption tax treatment at the personal level as well (but even then,capital gains would have to be taxed upon accrual).
However, it does not tax the normal return and the economic rents on domestic or foreignowneddomestic capital consumed abroad. Yet, the taxation of income flowing abroad wasone of the important objectives of a corporate tax. A destination-based corporate cash-flowtax might imply a reduction in tax revenues for exporting countries.
Net importingcountries, on the other hand, might gain. However, countries that create a lot of economicrents by exporting goods, and if these economic rents are consumed at home, might raisea lot of tax revenue. Moreover, destination-based taxation requires border controls to checkwhether goods actually have been exported and to ensure that imported goods are taxed.
However, transfer pricing problemswill be present and a source-based corporate cash-flow tax will be sensitive to taxcompetition, as corporations face a tax-induced incentive to produce in jurisdictionswhere they face the lowest tax rate.
しかし、 企業は 税率が最も低い管轄区で生産するのに税制によって生じる報酬を得るため、振替価格の設定問題が生じ、原産地ベースの法人キャッシュフロー税制は課税競争の影響を受けやすくなる。
Fundamental reform might be an option to tackle jointly the complexity and thereduced efficiency of current corporate income tax systems. Corporations point to theinternational corporate income tax rules, the accrual accounting rules, the capitalisation ofassets and the sensitivity to timing to be the main sources of corporate income taxcomplexity and therefore of corporate compliance costs.
Other important sources of taxcomplexity are the different tax treatment between debt instruments and all otherfinancial instruments as equity, the existence of different types of legal forms that aretaxed differently, the tax rules with respect to business restructurings and the tax ruleswith respect to the transfers of business assets.
For instance, corporate tax compliance costs might be reduced byincreasing the conformity between taxable income and income used for financialaccounting purposes, by changing the tax rules less frequently and by keeping the rules assimple as possible.
例えば、課税可能な所得と財務会計目的のために使われた所得の間での適合性を高めたり、税制を改正頻度を少なくしたり、税制を出来るだけシンプルにすることで、 企業の納税事務コストは軽減される。
Because the normal return on equity and the interest payments are not effectively taxedat the corporate level, a corporate cash-flow tax does not distort the choice between debt andequity and between newly issued equity and retained earnings at the corporate level. Onlyeconomic rents are effectively taxed under a corporate cash-flow tax. There is no doubletaxation of the normal return on equity.
This type of tax reform might reduce the cost ofcapital of marginal equity-financed investment. This might result in increased domestic andforeign corporate investment. Excessive (corporate tax-induced) debt financing ofinvestment will not be a problem; thin capitalisation rules are therefore no longer required.
Audit Focus is a unique service that lets insurers review 100 percent of their recently issued policies for excess mortality risk. All other approaches to underwriting audit, quality control and risk management must extrapolate findings based on a random sample.
Audit Focusはユニークなサービスです。このサービスは、保険会社の超過死亡リスクに関し最近発行された保険約款をすべて再検討するものです。保険業者の監査、品質管理及び危機管理に対するその他すべての取り組みについては、無作為に抽出したデータをもとに推定しなければなりません。
By incorporating specifically identified laboratory results from Heritage Labs, Audit Focus is able to provide clearer insights into business exceptions and risk concentrations across every risk class to help fine tune underwriting performance. Audit Focus enhanced with lab data from Heritage Labs provides insurers with a sharper picture than previously possible, particularly for preferred risks.
Heritage Labs社の研究結果であると明確に確認されたデータを具体化することで、Audit Focusは商取引の特例やすべてのリスク段階におけるリスクの集中に関し、より明確な識見を提供し、保険会社の業績微調整のお手伝いをすることができます。Audit FocusはHeritage Labs社の研究データによって改良され、特に優先リスクに関しては、保険会社に対し従来よりもはっきりした全体像を提供することができます。
We began studying the language and our love and appreciation of the people and the culture grew. Importing the wonderful glass of Murano was a natural extension of our new lives in Italy with friends and family.Exhibitors for many years with the International Gem and Jewelry Shows, the San Francisco International Gift Show and at various shows in the San Francisco Bay Area, we opened our first online store in 1998 on Yahoo Stores! We were pioneers in ecommerce!
私たちはイタリア語を習い始めました。そしてイタリアの人や文化がもっと好きになりました。友達や家族と一緒にイタリアで過ごすことから、 ムラノの美しいガラス製品を輸入するにいたるのは、 ごく自然の成り行きでした。長年、国際宝石ジュエリーショー、サンフランシスコギフトショー、そしてサンフランシスコ湾付近で行われる数々の展示会などに出展してまいりました。そして1998年にヤフーでオンラインストアを初めて開きました。eコマースのパイオニアです。
And, the rest, as they say, is history.We work directly with the Venetian bead makers and the glassblowers of Venice and Murano, selecting and designing the styles, colors, shapes and sizes to be produced for our stores. We work with all the major bead producers in Venice and additionally have a large group of cottage industry bead makers who produce beads for us which helps us maintain our large inventory and diverse bead collection.
Brenda worked for many years in high tech in the satellite industry and was Director of Marketing for 2 start-up companies in Silicon Valley. She studied glass blowing at San Jose State University with Mary White as Professor. Brenda has studied bead making with various San Francisco area artists. Shown here, Brenda had a very honored opportunity to work with a maestro furnace owner in Murano.Bob is a retired electrical engineer and part-time professor of Engineering.
We refer to their new daughter Marcella as our little "Italian" baby. Marcella will soon be counting beads as she loves going to the "beadshop" and has her favorite beads already. She spends lots of time with us in the beadshop much like little kids in Venice. She is adept at string beads but her color coordination needs some developing.Vincenzo (Vince) was born in Brescia, Italy. He is an avid car restorer, the older the better. Currently he is restoring a 1940s dump truck.
Each Murano bead is handmade one by one by bead makers using a few simple tools and a lot of experience and technique in lamp working. Sitting behind a torches for hours at a time with a mandrel in one hand and a cane of glass in the other, they create the most beautiful beads in the world.We have been an integral part in promoting Venetian glass beads throughout the world as well as helping to breathe new life into traditional Venetian techniques.
A few years ago, we introduced our line of Venetian Dichroics to the US through as a result of years of efforts with our beadmakers in Murano. We continue to bring new and innovative ideas to this age old industry. Most recently, we developed the Furnace Glass along with our partner furnace in Venice. It's a blend of old glass making techniques to work with new fashion ideas.
We remain a family owned business located in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale, CA, USA where we have been importing Venetian Glass and Murano Glass commercially since 1993. Our wholesale showroom has the largest collection of Venetian Beads on display anywhere. We do work by appointment only.
私どもは、アメリカ・カリフォルニア州のサンタクララとサニーベールに拠点を置き、 1993年からベネチアガラス及びムラノガラスを商業ベースで輸入 している家族経営の会社です。私どものショールームのベネチアガラスの展示品は世界最大規模です。自由に見学出来るわけではなく、ご予約を頂いた時のみショールームを開けております。
Ours is a story of the love of Venetian glass, a fascination with the techniques of glass blowing and, of course, a love of Italy and its people & culture. It all started with a trip to Venice in 1984 when Brenda purchased a Moretti glass necklace with the famous Murano beads (picture below). Many compliments and requests by friends prompted another trip and more purchases and sparked an interest in the glass.
私どもは ガラスの吹き込み成形の技術に魅了され、 ベネチアガラスをこよなく愛しております。もちろん、イタリア、イタリアの人、そしてイタリア文化愛しております。すべては、1984年に行ったベネチア旅行に始まります。その時、ブレンダがモレッティで有名なムラノビーズで作られたガラス製のネックレスを買ったのです(下の写真)。多くの友達から褒められたり、要求があったりで、また旅行に行くことになりました。そしてまたガラス製品を購入し、ガラスへの興味が一気にわいたのです。