You Can’t Create A Steve JobsLast weekend at Qinghua University, Lee Kai-Fu shared some interesting thoughts on mobile and entrepreneurship in China. The conversation with the moderator (who is also a professor) and audience, like it or not, somehow focused too much on creating a Steve Jobs.As Lee asserted that fresh graduates are unlikely to make it into his incubator program, Innovation Works, the moderator, probably for the fun of it, argued and said that there are so many talented young people in Qinghua and China who could be the next Steve Jobs.
スティーブ・ジョブズという人を新たに育成することはできない先週、清華大学でLee Kai-Fu(李開復)氏が中国のモバイルインタネットや起業家精神について興味深い話をした。司会者(教授でもある)および観客との会話は、好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、なぜかスティーブ・ジョブズを新たに作り出すということに焦点がおかれた。Lee氏が、中国の新卒者がインキュベータープログラムのInnovation Works(創新工場)に参加するのは難しいだろうと断言したことを受けて、司会者は、おそらく面白半分に議論し、次のスティーブ・ジョブズ氏になりうる有能な若者が清華大学や中国にはたくさんいると述べた。
But he later also confessed that it is tough as he hasn’t met students with the right ingredients yet. And of course, there’s also the usual criticism about Chinese culture and education, which are believed to be hindering entrepreneurship here.Sure, that’s personal opinion. But I find it a little disturbing that Steve Jobs became the central reference point throughout a session discussing entrepreneurship in China. How about successful entrepreneurs like Pony Ma, Jack Ma, and Robin Li? Why aren’t they the “Steve Jobs of China” or at least recognized/referenced as Chinese who have built great products that serve the China market well?
だが、後になって司会者も適切な素質を備えた学生にまだ出会ったことがないので、次のスティーブ・ジョブズを育成するのは難しいだろうと白状している。そして、もちろん、中国の文化や教育制度に関するよくある非難もあり、それが中国での起業家精神を妨げていると言われている。もちろん、これは個人的な意見だ。だが、筆者が少し気になったのは、中国の起業家精神を討論する会のあいだ中、スティーブ・ジョブズが議論の的になっていたことだ。それでは、Pony Ma(馬化騰)氏、Jack Ma(馬雲)氏やRoin Li(李彦宏)氏などの有能な起業家らはどうなのだろう?彼らはどうして「中国のスティーブ・ジョブズ」ではないのか?もしくは少なくとも中国市場によく貢献した素晴らしいプロダクトを築いた中国人として評価もしくは言及されないのだろうか?
Perhaps this is just an Asia thing. An interesting thing about this continent is the amount of respect we have for the westerners. And sometimes I find we have far too much respect, to the point that it borders on a lack of self-confidence on our part.There’s no problem with idolizing or learning from the best, but it is disturbing to listen to an entire discussion about creating a Steve Jobs in China. There’s no way China (or any other country out there) can do that because Jobs came from a very different culture and had gone through certain experiences that made him who he was.
As ridiculous as it may sound, at one point, the moderator even asked Lee how he has dealt with his kids’ education and questioned if they could be the next Steve Jobs. Lee laughed and said that they are not entrepreneurial sort of characters.Exactly.From my interpretation, I believe Lee is essentially communicating that a Steve Jobs can’t be bred, made, or trained. You can’t create or anticipate a genius entrepreneur.No one would have the balls to say, “Okay, we can just throw in some U.S. education, put in some cash for entrepreneurs, and inject entrepreneurship courses to create/train a Steve Jobs.”
Everything has to be organic because it is the passion that drives an entrepreneur hard; and passion is developed naturally.Steve Jobs said the following at his 2005 Stanford commencement which pretty much sums up everything: "Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life."So yeah, create your own legacy, folks.
Lee began by explaining that the investing landscape has changed. He attributes the boom in elastic cloud computing, social media marketing, and open source concept which brings the costs and time required for development and promotion. He said that with 1.5 million RMB (approximately USD $235,000), it allows founders to build a team to test out a product concept for about nine months. Lee explains that a typical team includes one CEO, one CTO, one user experience designer, and seven developers.To Lee, the entrepreneur’s sweet spot is currently in the mobile Internet. For investors, the sweet spot is in early stage investing.
Lee says that entrepreneurs should focus most of their time building their product. He says that standalone entrepreneurs usually have to handle administration matters, like accounting, legal, recruiting, and permit registration which takes the focus away from the product.But at Innovation Works, entrepreneurs don’t have to worry about these administration issues as they are taken care of. Innovation Works also has its own in-house designers, office spaces, and legal consultants to lighten their burden.
李氏は、起業家はほとんどの時間をプロダクトの構築に費やすべきだと述べている。独立型の起業家は通常、会計、法務、人材採用や許可登録などの管理業務をこなさなくてはならないず、それらの業務はプロダクトを構築するための集中力を削いでしまう。だが、Innovation Worksでは、起業家はそれらの管理業務を気にしなくてもよい。というのは、それらの事については面倒を見てくれるからだ。また、Innovation Worksには社内デザイナー、事務所、負担を軽減してくれる法務のコンサルタントもいる。
And on product development, Innovation Works adopts the lean start-up model. Entrepreneurs backed by Innovation Works are pushed to launch their minimal viable product (MVP) to the market to collect user data. Lee says that the MVP should take around three months to develop and emphasized that it doesn’t matter if the MVP has flaws, as long as it helps solve the problem that was identified by the entrepreneur.
プロダクトの開発に関しては、Innovation Worksは「無駄のないスタートアップモデル」を採用している。Innovation Worksに支援されている起業家は、ユーザーデータを集めるために必要最小限の機能を備えたプロダクト(MVP)を市場に出すよう要請される。李氏は、MVPの開発には3か月が必要で、起業家が認識している問題が解決されるならば、そのMVPに欠陥があってもそれは問題ではないと強調した。
1. Explosive growth in an industry 2. Talented entrepreneurs who will be driving the visionOnce these two criteria are met (on top of its other criteria, etc), Innovation Works is happy to provide funds to let the entrepreneurs develop their products, market it at low cost, gather data, and improve the product. If the product proves to be good, Innovation Works may invest in the start-up again.Lee is skeptical that Chinese fresh graduates with little experience can be good entrepreneurs. Of course, his remarks caused quite a big reaction from the moderator and the crowd. The moderator listed a lot of examples of drop-out/fresh from school entrepreneurs, including Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg.
1.産業分野における爆発的成長が見られるかどうか2.ビジョンを左右するであろう有能な起業家かどうか(その他の基準などもクリアして)上記2つの基準に達すれば、Innovation Worksは喜んで出資をし、起業家はプロダクトを開発し、低価格で販売して、データを集めてプロダクトを改良することができる。プロダクトが認められれば、Innovation Worksが再びそのスタートアップ企業に投資をすることもある。李氏は、経験の少ない新卒の中国人はよい起業家にはなれないと思っている。当然、李氏のこのコメントには、司会者や観客からかなり大きなリアクションがあった。司会者は、スティーブ・ジョブズやマーク・ザッカーバーグなど、学校中退/新卒から起業家になった人の名前を数多く挙げた。
While Lee said that there might be a slim chance that there are such talents in China, he feels that it is more sensible, for now, to invest in founders who are proven or at least have working experience. He urged aspiring fresh graduate entrepreneurs to gain some experience first before setting up their own business. He says that it is an uphill battle for fresh graduates with little experience to fight against experienced entrepreneurs like Lei Jun.Lee also says that Chinese entrepreneurs need to be aware of giant companies like Tencent, Baidu, and Alibaba who might just see the same opportunity as them and crash their party.
中国にもそのような有能な人がいるかもしれないが、可能性はかなり低いと述べる一方で、今のところ、実績のある創業者もしくは職務経験のある創業者に投資するほうが賢明であると感じている。同氏は、野心のある新卒の起業家に対し、自身の事業を始める前に、まず経験を積むよう促した。経験の少ない新卒者が、Lei Jun(雷軍)氏のような経験豊かな起業家に立ち向かうのは、至難の業だと李氏は述べている。さらに同氏は、中国の起業家はTencent(騰訊)、Baidu(百度)やAlibaba(阿里巴巴)などの大手企業にも注意を払う必要があり、それらの企業は同じように機会を見つけて、どっと押し寄せて来るかもしれないと語っている。
Sky-mobi Teams Up With Sina Weibo in Mobile PartnershipWhen we last caught up with Chinese mobile online media company Sky-mobi (NASDAQ:MOBI) it was at the Global Mobile Internet Conference this past April. CEO Michael Song discussed his company’s journey to IPO, and noted that user experience and value are key to bringing in new users. Perhaps this was part of the motivation behind its newly announced partnership with Sina.
Sky-mobiと新浪微博がモバイル提携我々が、中国のモバイルオンラインメディア企業のSky-mobi(ナスダック:MOBI)に最後に話を聞いたのは、この4月に行なわれた「Global Mobile Internet Conference」でのことだった。CEOのMichael Song氏は、同社のIPOへの道のりを語り、ユーザー体験及び価値が新たなユーザーをもたらす鍵であると指摘していた。おそらく、それが今回発表された新浪との提携の背後にある動機だったのだろう。
The company stated today that Sina Weibo is to be made available as a downloadable application for its Maopao community users. I confess I’ve not used Maopao before, but according to this excellent interview with Sky-mobi CFO Carl Yeung by iChinaStock, the network is said to have about 15 million active users, mostly targeting mid- to low-income feature phone users.Michael Song commented on the agreement in a statement:
Sky-mobiは本日、同社のMaopao(冒泡網)コミュニティーユーザーが今後、新浪微博をダウンロード可能なアプリケーションとして利用できるようになると発表した。正直言って、筆者はMaopaoを利用したことがないのだが、iChinaStockが行なったSky-mobi最高財務責任者 Carl Yeung(楊家康)氏の素晴らしいインタビューによれば、同ネットワークは1500万人のアクティブユーザーを抱えていると言われており、主に低・中所得者向けのフィーチャーフォンユーザーをターゲットにしている。Michael Song(宗涛)氏は、発表の中で今回の提携について次のようにコメントしている。
"Bringing the excitement of Weibo microblogging to our Maopao platform means Ski-Mobi’s millions of users will have even more world-class media and entertainment options from which to choose. It will be a win-win partnership as mobile users are excellent microbloggers and we also anticipate having Weibo will further increase the stickiness of our Maopao users."As for Sina Weibo, the tie-up should help improve its reach among mobile users in China. It currently has about 200 million users in total.
DeNA Partners With Daum To Promote Mobage In South KoreaDeNA (TYO:2432) is moving full steam ahead in recent months. And today we learned from the mobile gaming company that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Daum, a popular web portal in South Korea to promote its Mobage platform in South Korea.According to the statement, Daum has 38 million registered users and is visited by 93 percent of all South Korea Internet users, amazingly generating more than 20 billion page views per month.
ディー・エヌ・エー、韓国のDaumと提携しモバゲー促進ディー・エヌ・エー(東証:2432、 以下DeNA)は、ここ数か月全力前進している。そんな中、今日、DeNAが韓国の人気ウェブポータル「Daum」と提携し、モバゲープラットフォームの促進をするという情報を得た。発表によると、Daumは3800万人の登録ユーザーを抱え、韓国の全インターネットユーザーの93%が同サイトを訪れており、月間PVは200億を超えるという素晴らしい実績を上げている。
We also understand that Mobage Korea will only focus on smartphone-based gamers.With this partnership sealed, Daum will help promote Mobage Korea via its network of websites and apps. Meanwhile Daum will bring internationally popular social games to their users through Mobage Korea. This partnership also means that game developers building games to Mobage now have the Korea market for consideration.Steven Yang, DeNA Seoul’s regional head commented on the partnership with Daum:
韓国版モバゲーは、スマートフォン向けのゲームだけに特化するということだ。この提携が締結すると、Daumは同社のウェブサイトやアプリのネットワークを通じてモバゲーを促進すると同時に、世界的に人気のあるソーシャルゲームをモバゲーを通じてユーザーに提供することになる。さらに、この提携によって、モバゲーのゲームを制作しているデベロッパーが今度は韓国市場も視野にいれたゲーム開発をするということにもなる。DeNA ソウル現地責任者のSteven Yang氏は、Daumとの提携について次のように語った。
"South Korea is an explosive market for smartphones and social mobile games and DeNA is excited to collaborate with Daum to deliver Mobage Korea to South Korean gamers. Mobage Korea will deliver great games to local audiences, while also helping developers around the world quickly and easily deliver their contents to an increasingly global audience."Meanwhile, GREE (DeNA’s competitor) recently announced a new global gaming platform that will “leverage OpenFeint and GREE assets and will bring together Western and Asian mobile social markets with a goal of reaching over one billion users.”That sounds a little vague but we were told that more information will come in December.
While GREE aspires to eventually reach one billion users, DeNA insists on keeping its Mobage brand well intact (like Mobage China, Mobage Korea) and have full control over its gaming platform.It’s slower to build reach but I confess I’m increasingly impressed with DeNA’s strategy.
Customer Retention Over AcquisitionSo is Groupon destined for collapse? I’m not ready to say that just yet. Any economic turnaround in the U.S. won’t happen overnight — and could take years — and Groupon has aggressively expanded into international markets over the past year, whose economic climates I can’t and won’t comment on. They’ve also launched some new programs in an attempt to diversify their offerings, such as Groupon Now, which allows businesses to target deals to specific times and sell excess inventory during slow periods (though some reports indicate that Now is not gaining Groupon-like traction), as well as a travel deals service.
When consumer spending is low, it makes sense that fewer people are spending on things like expensive dinners out. A discount Groupon is an attractive incentive to get them out to the restaurant, and it is more effective at driving new business, even for successful restaurants like Seviche. But that likely won’t always be the case. If and when the economy rebounds, businesses might have an easier time getting customers in the door to spend at full price. They may no longer require the high-cost marketing that Groupon offers.Can Groupon Keep Growing?
Groupon’s growth relies heavily on marketing. When the company cuts its marketing expenditures, revenue growth slows dramatically. That’s in a poor economy that is friendly to Groupon. What happens to that growth when businesses with desirable products and services can afford to refuse offering such attractive discounts? What if merchants refuse to play at all? Just 29.5 million of its nearly 143 million subscribers have ever purchased a Groupon (again, according to the company’s IPO prospectus). What will that conversion ratio look like if deals cease being as attractive to buyers as they are now?