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The logical extension is that employers should offer this choice to their staff – letting employees adapt their working hours to fit their lifestyles, and giving them flexibility over work locations in order to help them cut their commuting. As well as facilitating a more harmonious work-life balance, flexible working has a lower environmental impact.

Location flexibility matters as much as time flexibility

Offering a choice of work locations is especially helpful in metropolitan areas. With urban sprawl and worsening traffic congestion making commuting ever more time-consuming, allowing employees to work closer to home frees up hours each week – time they may use for work as well as non-work activities.





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Unfortunately, businesses still have a way to go. Just under half (49 percent) of participants in the Regus Work-Life Balance Index say employers are doing more to help reduce commuting. It’s a sizeable percentage, and higher than the previous year, but, even so, more than half of respondents don’t feel that companies are addressing the problem.

A tool for talent retention … and more

During a time of economic stress in developing countries, it’s tempting for employers to say “Not right now” on the issue of more flexibility. But when key personnel can be the difference between corporate success or struggle, it is crucial to let staff work in ways and places that suit them.



人材維持のためのツールとして … そしてそれ以外にも


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Without flexible working, key staff may leave — especially those in Generation Y who have less corporate loyalty. Moreover, with 72% of businesses globally saying that flexible working improves their productivity,[3] the benefits could extend beyond talent retention.

So the message for businesses of all sizes is: don’t delay in giving choice or control over working hours and locations. And whilst we’re on the subject, there are a few other elements to consider as well:

- Make use of technology, and of providers that can help you access it. For example, Regus offers products such as video-communication and Businessworld that can help workers to cut commuting and business travel, and work where and when they want.




– テクノロジー、そして、それにアクセスするためのプロバイダーを最大限に利用する。例えば、Regusは、社員が通勤時間や出張を減らし、望む場所や時間で仕事ができるように、テレビ会議やビジネスワールドというサービスを提供している。

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- Ensure that 24/7 mobile technology doesn’t force work into people’s personal lives. In research in Hong Kong, over four in ten workers had negative sentiments about the impact of technology on work-life balance. People complained they could never really switch off, even while asleep or on holiday.[4]

- Consider device flexibility (for example, choice of phones and tablets, access to social media) as well as flexibility over working hours and locations. Two-fifths of Generation Y-ers have said this is so important to them, they would accept a lower-paid job for it.[5]


– 毎日24時間制のモバイルテクノロジーがあるからといって、社員の私生活の時間にまで仕事させないように。香港での調査では、10人に4人以上の会社員がワークライフバランスへのテクノロジーの影響について否定的な意見を示し、睡眠時やホリデーの時でさえも、完全に休むことができないと述べている[4]。

– フレキシブルな労働時間と仕事場を検討すると同時に、フレキシブルなデバイスも考慮すること(例えば、携帯電話やタブレットの選択、ソーシャルメディアへのアクセスなど)。ジェネレーションY世代の20%は、これは彼らにとって非常に大事なことだと述べ、そのためなら彼らは給料の低い仕事でも受け入れるかもしれない[5]。

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With this in mind, a group of participants at Startup Weekend Cebu thought of addressing the need to improve access to education in the country’s medical schools. Jossy Onwude, CEO at Philippine startup PinoyBorn told e27 that the startup aims to make it easier for medical students around the world to fund their education. “This startup is called Medifund, the very first crowdfunding platform for medical students around the world,” he said. A medical student himself and a Hack2Hatch alumni, Jossy says the goal is to help more people. “Of course, there are some other features attached to it that makes it creative,” he adds.


こういう事情を踏まえて、Startup Weekend Cebuの参加者グループが、フィリピンで医学校の教育がもっと受けられるようにするための必要性に対処することを考えた。フィリピンのスタートアップPinoyBornの最高経営責任者Jossy Onwude氏は、同スタートアップが目指しているのは世界中の医学生がもっと簡単に学費を工面できるようにすることだとe27に語った。「Medifundと呼ばれるこのスタートアップは、医学生のために構築された、まさに世界初のクラウドファンディングプラットフォームです」と同氏は言う。自分自身も医学生でHack2Tatchを卒業した同氏は多くの人を助けることがゴールだと語り、「もちろん、同プラットフォームをクリエーティブにするその他の機能も幾つかあります」と付け加え述べた。

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Medifund is currently in closed beta, and has funded a portion of one student’s tuition. The team plans to earn by charging a five percent fee from every successfully-funded campaign. “We also hope to get donations from organizations and doctors to fund campaigns,” Jossy told e27. But as with any entrepreneurial activity, collaboration will be key to success, which is why the team is looking to work with educational and health institutions to help promote their ideals. “We are currently in talks with schools and hospitals. Recently www.meducation.net approached us for a prospective partnership … we expect partnerships soon,” Jossy said.



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So far, the sole success story has decided to sit out this semester and wait until the crowdfunding platform is in full-force, so she can get better opportunities to raise money.

What’s in it for us?

But what’s in it for contributors? Crowdfunding services like Kickstarter usually provide their platform for creators to sell their products or creative projects. With Medifund, Jossy says it’s up to the campaign starter to decide what they want to give back. The more important benefit, of course, is that funders get credits toward medical services they might need in the future.





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Japan Tourist Agency, METI, JNTO and JETRO Formulate Joint Action Plan to Increase visitors to Japan

Japan’s four organizations - Japan Tourist Agency, Ministry of Economic and Industry, Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO) and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) - have formulated a Joint Action Plan for increasing the Number of Foreign Visitors. The plan was drawn up based on the Action Program toward the Realization of Japan as a Tourism-oriented Country, which was compiled at the second meeting of the Ministerial Council on the Promotion of Japan as a Tourism-oriented country (chaired by the Prime Minister), held on June 11.

Hereafter, the country will undertake various efforts to increase the number of foreign visitors to Japan by further strengthening efforts which effectively utilize both tangible and intangible resources that the four organizations possess at home and abroad.

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China Mobile and China UnionPay Launched Mobile Payments Solution, Joined by Eight Banks

China UnionPay (China’s bankcard association) and China Mobile rolled out a mobile payment platform in a combined effort in May. Bank of China, China Citic Bank, China Everbright Bank, China Minsheng Bank, China Guangfa Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Bank of Shanghai and Bank of Beijing are the first batch of commercial banks that joined the platform (in Chinese).

This new payment solution required NFC-enabled phones (by now only HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S3&S4 and some models by Huawei and ZTE) and a customized SIM card. It’s for free for any China Mobile user to replace the SIM card for a new one.


China Mobile(中国移動)とChina Unionpay(中国銀聯)がモバイル決済ソリューションをローンチ、中国の銀行8行も参加

China UnionPay(中国銀聯)とChina Mobile(中国移動)は5月、両社共同の取組のとしてモバイル決済プラットフォームをローンチした。中国銀行、中信銀行、光大銀行、民生銀行、広発銀行、上海浦発銀行、上海銀行、および北京銀行が商業銀行として、同プラットフォームに最初に参画する(中文記事)。

この新しい決済ソリューションの利用には、NFC(近距離無線通信)が可能な携帯電話(現在は、HTC社の携帯電話と、SamsungのGalaxy S3とS4、HuaweiとZTE社のいくつかのモデルに搭載されているのみ)とカスタマイズされたSIMカードが必要となる。China Mobileの利用者なら、既存のSIMカードを新しいものに無料で交換することが可能。

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Users first apply for the service, and after verification, applications will be downloaded into your phone and connect to your bank account.

With the mobile payment system, SIM card can now serve as a bank account carrier, enabling remote payment services via the mobile communication network, such as credit card repayment, convenient utilities payment and online shopping. In addition, users can enjoy fast payment in convenience stores, vending machines and other places with UnionPay’s “Quick Pass” logos. Users don’t need to input passwords and sign their names anymore. It will be applied to various places like metro station, high-speed rail station, express way station, parking lot and so on.



このモバイル決済システムを利用すれば、SIMカードが銀行口座の役割を果たし、モバイル通信ネットワークを通じて、クレジットカードの返済や便利な公共料金の支払い、オンラインショッピングの決済など、遠隔決済を行うことができる。さらに、ユーザはコンビニや自動販売機、UnionPayの「Quick Pass」の表示がある場所で迅速な支払いをすることもできる。また、パスワードの入力やサインをする必要もない。地下鉄の駅や、高速鉄道の駅、高速道路の料金所、そして駐車場など、さまざまな場所で利用ができるようになる。