一般的には番茶を焙じて飲用することが多いので「番茶=ほうじ茶」といわれることが多いのですが、「お~いお茶 ほうじ茶」は国産一番茶のみを使用しております。一番茶は番茶に比べてアミノ酸(テアニンなどの緑茶の旨み成分)を豊富に含み、焙煎することで食欲をそそる甘く香ばしい香りを引き出します。また、茶葉を均一に、こがすことなく焙煎することで苦みを抑え、ほうじ茶ならではの香ばしさを際立たせ、さらに、おいしさに磨きをかけました。
Roasted tea (Houji-cha) is often called as a coarse tea, since it is often made by roasting coarse tea leaves. But this “O~i, Ocha, Houji-cha” uses only first picking of tea leaves. First picking of tea leaves are abundant in amino acids (green tea’s good flavor elements such as L-Theanine) compared with coarse tea. Sweet tempting aroma is extracted by roasting, stimulating your appetite. Plus, bitterness is reduced by roasting tea leaves evenly without burning them, enhancing the flavor of roasted rea to make the tea more delicious.
Tea is something what the Japanese enjoy in everyday life, and everyone has their ways of enjoying tea. One of Japanese teas that are as popular as green tea and brown rice tea is roasted tea. To make roasted tea leaves, coarse tea leaves or tea tree twigs are often used, and they are roasted over a high heat until their colors turn to reddish brown to extract tempting aroma.The aroma complements good flavor of food materials and the simple taste goes well with food, so roasted tea has been very popular since old times. And since bitterness is reduced by roasting, roasted tea tastes mild and it is good for small children and the elderly as well.
Thank you for your report on the situation.Your very clear explanations are very helpful to me. To begin from the conclusion, I would like to accept the $380 guarantee proposed by your company. I also understand the quality differences on delivery between the U.S. and Japan. What damaged the products this time is that such a big volume of products were packed in such a huge box, and that the additional packaging option was not applied for the shipping. I appreciate your your kind support.Regards,
Japan’s Samurai Incubate To Establish ‘Startup Island’ in TokyoTokyo-based tech start-up incubator Samurai Incubate announced it would launch an incubation space in the Tokyo’s waterfront town of Tennozu on November 1st. The space will be called Samurai Startup Island, which you must admit is a pretty cool name! The space will be one of the country’s largest facilities of its kind, where more than 15 start-ups, VC firms, a certified tax accountant, an administrative scrivener, and a California-registered attorney will reside.
日本のサムライインキュベートが「Samurai Startup Island」を東京に設立東京に拠点を置くハイテク・スタートアップ・インキュベーターのサムライインキュベートが、11月1日に東京沿岸沿いにある天王洲にスタートアップ企業のための施設をオープンすることを発表した。同施設は「Samurai Startup Island(サムライ・スタートアップ・アイランド)」と呼ばれ、なかなかいい名前だと認めざるを得ない。同様の施設では国内最大級となり、スタートアップ企業15社以上、ベンチャーキャピタル企業、公認税理士事務所、行政書士、カリフォルニア登記の弁護士らが入居予定である。
The office is closely located to 24/7 restaurants and a public bath with hot spring, which makes things a little easier for people to continue working on their start-up rather than fear missing the last train for home late at night. The office has a width of 555 square meters (approximately 660 square yards) and has a bar-like cafeteria, meeting rooms, phone booths as well as office desks.
The area is 15-20 minutes away from the centers of Shibuya or Shinjuku by local train, and it has access to Tokyo International Airport (aka Haneda) in 30 minutes. With this new office, the incubator expects to intensify global partnerships with other foreign incubators and co-working spaces, the founder/CEO Mr. Kentaro Sakakibara explains.
The incubator partnered with SF-based incubators Rocket Space, PariSOMA, and Citizen Space, and it is scheduled to organize a start-up showcase event with the latter in San Francisco next January. They also expect to intensify investing in South Korean start-ups in the near future. It has started with AdByMe, a social-networked advertising platform that helps advertisers make an ad stream by creating and spreading short, trackable link ads.Incubation Facilities for Tech Start-ups in Tokyo
サムライインキュベーターはサンフランシスコのRocket Space (ロケットスペース)、PariSOMA (パリソマ)やCitizen Space(シチズンスペース)などのインキュベーターと提携しており、来年1月にはCitizen Spaceとスタートアップ企業イベントを行なう予定である。また近い将来には韓国のスタートアップ企業への投資を増やすことも予定している。同社は、ソーシャルネットワークアドプラットフォーム「AdByMe」のサービスを始めており、広告主が短くて追跡可能なリンク広告を制作し配信することで広告ストリームを作る支援をしている。東京のハイテク スタートアップ向けのインキュベーション施設
The incubator is known for having successfully exited Nobot, which was acquired by KDDI’s mobile ad company Mediba. (We recently wrote about Mediba’s plans to set up an office in Singapore soon.) Prior to Samurai Incubate, Mr. Sakakibara worked with Shibuya-based e-commerce juggernauts Axiv.com (now Voyage Group) in developing sales and marketing strategies.In Tokyo, we now have quite a few incubator-supporting co-working spaces and incubation offices here in Tokyo. A map to the right shows you some of the more well-known among them.
サムライインキュベーターは、KDDIのモバイル広告事業Mediba(メディーバ)に買収されたノボットの輩出に成功したことでも知られている。(Medibaがシンガポールにまもなく事務所を設立することについては先日の記事の通り)榊原氏は、サムライインキュベーターを始める前は、渋谷のeコマース大手の Axiv.com(アクシブドットコム、現ボヤージュグループ)で販売開発やマーケティング戦略を手掛けていた。東京では、現在インキュベーターが支援するコーワーキング施設やインキュベーターの事務所が数多く存在する。その中でもより有名なものを右の地図に示しておく。
6 Start-ups Chosen As Finalists For SF New Tech Japan NightOn Saturday at Microsoft’s Japan office in Tokyo, there was a finalist selection event for the upcoming SF New Tech Japan Night. The event will spotlight the talent of Japan’s emerging tech start-ups to potential investors and the tech community in the San Francisco Bay Area. The event is sponsored by SF-based web consultancy Btrax, Inc and its coming event is scheduled to take place in San Francisco on November 3. (Live streaming is also planned.)
「SF New Tech Japan Night」出場のスタートアップ企業6社が決定土曜日、日本マイクロソフトの東京オフィスで、まもなく開催される「SF New Tech Japan Night」への出場をかけた最終予選会が行なわれた。「SF New Tech Japan Night」への出場は、日本の新しいスタートアップ企業の才知にスポットライトをあて、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア周辺の有力な投資家やハイテクコミュニティーの注目を浴びることになる。同イベントはサンフランシスコに拠点をおくウェブ・コンサルタント企業のビートラックス(Btrax)の主催で、11月3日にサンフランシスコで行なわれる(ライブ・ストリーミングも予定されている)。
The preliminary selection event started with a keynote speech by Brandon Hill, who is a Japanese-American born on Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido. He is the founder/CEO of btrax, and he has argued that Japanese start-ups need to appeal not only to the local community in Japan, but to global community as well.Twelve start-ups were nominated, and six of them were chosen by juries as finalists to present in front of several hundreds of tech geeks in the capital of digital innovation next month.Here are the twelve start-ups as well as some of comments from the juries and the audience. All the pitches were made in English, and the event was emceed by PO contributor Yukari Mitsuhashi.
最終予選会は、日本の北の島・北海道で生まれた日系アメリカ人のブランドン・ヒル氏の基調講演に始まった。ヒル氏は、ビートラックスの創設者兼CEOで、日本のスタートアップ企業は日本だけではなく世界にもアピールする必要があると主張した。スタートアップ企業12社がノミネートされており、その中から「SF New Tech Japan Night」出場企業として6社が審査員によって選ばれる。出場企業は、デジタル革新の中心地サンフランシスコで来月、ハイテク専門家数百人の前でプレゼンテーションを行なう。予選選考会に出場した12社および審査員や観客からのコメントは以下の通り。プレゼンはすべて英語で行なわれ、司会はPenn Olsonの寄稿者である三橋ゆか里が務めた。
1. Balloon by Nagisa, Inc.This start-up aims to develop a new promotional media platform bridging advertisers and consumers. Balloon is a smartphone app that combines three functions: free group chat, free group calling, and photo sharing with effects.They fundraised from Tokyo-based incubators NetAge and Samurai Incubate.
2. Bookpic by Bijutsu Shuppan NetworksThe company is a subsidiary of a 100-year-old art book publisher. They introduced Bookpic, an e-publication viewer that allows users to share your comments on what you’re reading with others via Facebook and Twitter.Brandon pointed out (as a jury member) that there are many competitors in this area and encouraged the presenter to check out Copia as an example, which is an e-book reader aimed at sharing book reading experiences and building a community online.
3. Conyac by AnydoorConyac is a crowdsource translation platform that allows you to ask others to translate your text to the other languages.. When a potential translator signs up with the service, he or she will be qualified by confirming if he or she can really understand an originated language by using the CAPTCHA-like technology. Multiple translators will submit their translations, and the user is allowed to pick the best. This works as a qualification process and contributes to refining the result. That’s why the service is drastically cheaper than professional translators or translation agencies, the start-up’s CEO/co-founder Naoki Yamada says.
3.Conyac(コニャック): 株式会社エニドアConyacは、誰かに文章を他言語に翻訳してもらうよう依頼ができるクラウドソースの翻訳プラットフォームだ。翻訳をしたい人がこのサービスに登録すると、その人が本当に原文を理解しているかどうかをキャプチャのような技術を使って確認された後に翻訳をする資格を得ることができる。複数の翻訳者がそれぞれの翻訳文を提出し、ユーザーは一番よいものを選ぶことができる。これは資格認定プロセスとしても機能し、翻訳結果をよりよくすることにもなる。プロの翻訳家や翻訳会社と比べ、Conyacが破格的な安さでサービスを提供できるのはそういう理由からだとConyacのCEO/創設者の山田尚貴氏は語る。
You can be sure a Second Chance Offer is legitimate when you see it in My Messages with the subject line, "You have a second chance offer". If it is not, it's fake. Do not respond to the sender or complete the transaction. Outside of eBay offers may be fraudulent and not covered by buyer protection programs.
「メッセージ(My Messages)」の件名に「セカンドチャンスオファーがあります。(You have a second chance offer)」と書かれていれば、本当のセカンドチャンスオファーです。そうでなければ、それは偽物です。送信者に返信したり、取引を完了するようなことはしないでください。eBay以外での取引は詐欺行為である恐れもあり、しかも購入者保護プログラムで守られることもないかもしれません。
Hello sir, Shipping to Japan via USPS will be $100.00 flat. I will send you a paypal invoice right now. Please let me know once its paid so that I can ship your item.
返金ありがとう。しかし、-£6.32のPaypal feeは理解できません。なぜ、私がPaypal feeを負担するのですか?今回の取引は、あなたも認めているように、商品自体に問題があったのです。私の一方的な都合で返品要求をしたのではない。さらに私は、今回の返品のために£19の配送料を支払っています。ゆえに、今回は商品代金£127、送料£30、返送に費やした送料£19、合計£176の返金をすべきであると私は主張します。よく検討してください。
Thank you for the refund. But I still do not understand why I should pay £6.32 for the Paypal fee. In this transaction, as you admitted, there were problems on the product itself. I did not insist to return the product with no reason. Furthermore, I paid £19 to return it. Therefore I claim the total refund to be £176 (£127 for the product, £30 for the shipping, £19 for the returning). Please do consider this matter thoroughly. Thank you.
商品パッケージに送付状などのシール、テープを直接を貼らないでください。簡易包装で構いませんので 商品は必ず包装してください。
Please DO NOT put any stickers such as a shipping label or tapes directly on the package of the product(s). Simple packaging is o.k., but please DO pack it(them).
Thank you for your phone call just now. I just want to double check here.You will pay me the amount into my Mitsuisumitomo account on 25th, and if I can confirm your payment on that day, I will send the product(s) within the day. Am I correct?My bank information is as below. The product(s) will arrive in Japan soon, so there is no problem sending it to you on 25th. Good luck with the Osaka marathon.
I would like to send you a international check issued by Japan Post. So please kindly let me know your address. I think it will reach you within 4 - 7 days. Please take it to a post office nearby to cash it. Thank you.
I like traveling and eating out. There are many menus without photos at restaurants. There are some menus with photos, but actually menus without photos stir my curiosity more. Why? That’s because the menus with photos are the ones that restaurants want to sell, meaning that they are more lucrative for restaurants, and you don’t know they are really delicious. Is it a strange way of thinking?When you read menus without looking at pictures, sometimes you can’t even imagine what kind of dishes they are. People say that dishes can also delight the eyes, so it is desirable to have menues with pictures when ordering.